Cormous herb; corm depressed-globose, to 5 cm wide. Leaves 2–4; petiole 15–50 cm long, sheathing in lower 1/2; blade not lobed, ovate to narrowly ovate, (8–) 14–34 cm long, obtuse at base. Inflorescence arising among leaves of which some precede and some follow it (i.e. current growth comprised of parts of each of 2 modules of a sympodium); peduncle partly subterranean; spathe to 15 cm long, constricted 1.5–2.5 cm from base; spathe limb ovate, recurved and spreading at base, deep reddish purple inside, greenish outside; spadix slightly shorter than spathe; female zone c. 0.7 cm long, then a 0.4 cm zone of tangled filiform (slightly clavate) neuter organs, then a naked interstice c. (0.8–) 1.7 cm long; male zone 1.1–1.8 cm long; appendix sessile, narrowly conic, somewhat recurved, to 9.5 cm long. oblique at base, deep reddish purple. Infructescence within persistent spathe base.