Stamens very numerous, oblong to oblong-obovoid, with thecae extrorse; connective-prolongation absent or very short; filaments absent or very short.
Flowers monoecious or dioecious, solitary or in fascicles, axillary, sometimes on the old wood, pedicellate, female larger than male.
Carpels numerous, free, obovoid, pubescent, with numerous biseriate ovules; stigma sessile, cylindric or depressed-obconic.
Ripe carpels indehiscent, succulent, cylindric or ellipsoid to obovoid, frequently constricted, stipitate, several-seeded.
Petals 4, in one whorl, valvate, expanding and spreading at anthesis, free or ± connate, subequal, thick.
Sepals 2, connate to form a bilobed or patelliform calyx, much shorter than the petals in bud.
Bracteoles 2, respectively basal and median, ± persistent.
Shrubs or trees, not climbing, with simple hairs.
Seeds horizontal; aril absent.