A vigorous, southern highbush blueberry adapted to the Coastal Plains and Gulf Coast regions of the U.S. Origin: USDA-ARS Small Fruit Research Station, Poplarville, MS, by S.J. Stringer, J.M. Spiers, and A.D. Draper. G-144 × US 75; cross made in mid 1970’s at Beltsville, Md.; selected in 1979 and tested as MS-111; introd. in 2005. Tree: vigorous, moderately spreading, round in shape and medium in height; flowering: approximately 7 d after Climax; medium – high yield potential; propagation by softwood or hardwood cuttings; should be interplanted with other southern highbush cultivars to optimize earliness, yield and quality. Fruit: medium – large, flat, good color, firmness, flavor and picking scar; ripens approximately 10 d before Climax.