A garden and landscape southern highbush blueberry suited to Texas conditions. Origin: USDA-ARS, Poplarville, MS, USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD, and Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacodoches, TX by S. Stringer, A. Draper, J. Spiers, and D. Creech. G 144 × US 75; crossed 1977; selected 1979; tested as MS 108; introd. 2011. Tree: moderately vigorous with a relatively short stature, 1.5–2 m; spreading growth habit; attractive, dense, green foliage; consistent productivity; easy to prune and easily integrated into the home landscape; ripens 4–8 weeks earlier than many rabbiteye blueberry cultivars; flowers develop and bloom sufficiently late to avoid most frost damage; chilling requirement ~500 h; propagation from softwood or hardwood cuttings. Fruit: medium; good color and flavor when allowed to hang for several days after turning blue; skin may tear at the base of the pedicel, making this cultivar unsuitable for shipping.