Complex hexaploid blueberry hybrid useful as an attractive ornamental while also producing edible fruit. Origin: University of Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA-ARS, Chatsworth, NJ by D.S. NeSmith and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. Climax × US 1056; crossed 2002; selected 2005; tested as T-885, introd. 2010; USPP 23,374; 5 Feb. 2013. Tree: vigorous; reaching 1.2 m tall × ~0.6 m wide; attractive, green, non-glaucous foliage; moderate crop; chilling requirement ~500–550 h; USDA hardiness zones 6b–9a; propagates easily by softwood cuttings. Fruit: medium, 14–16 mm; produces an abundance of multi-colored berries as they ripen, progressing from yellow-green, to orange-red, to red, to red-purple, to black when fully ripe; slightly tart when first ripe, gradually sweetening as they hang; ripens contemporary with early-ripening rabbiteye cultivars.