Very-large-fruited, high-yielding rabbiteye blue-berry. Origin: University of Georgia by D.S. NeSmith. T-460 × FL 80-11; crossed 2002; selected in 2005; introduced in 2011; USPP 24,135; 7 Jan. 2014. Tree: very vigorous; upright; high yielding; flowers with Alapaha, Premier, and Vernon; estimated chilling requirement 500–550 h; suitable for fresh market and machine harvest; propagation by softwood cuttings; cross-pollination with other cultivars of similar bloom times highly recommended. Fruit: very large, 3.0 to 3.5 g; medium-to light-blue; medium, dry picking scar; excellent firmness; good flavor; ripens with Alapaha and Premier; susceptible to rain cracking.