Annual herbs, 1.3-7.5 dm tall, slender, from a subnapiform, 3-8 mm thick, tap-root; stem moderately leafy, unbranched or sometimes branched, 0.54.0 mm thick, minutely puberulent to densely spreading-pilosulous towards the base, glabrescent above. Leaves cauline, 3-7 pairs, sessile or short-petiolate, undivided, ovate to oblong-elliptic to suborbicular, sometimes more or less flabelliform, acute to obtuse, 0.9-9.2 cm long, serrate to crenate, dentate to repand or essentially entire, uniformly spreading-pilosulous, especially above, sometimes more or less restricted to the veins beneath; blades more or less abruptly expanded, 0.7-5.0 cm long, 0.7-4.5 cm wide; petioles 0.2-6.0 cm long or obsolete, rarely exceeding the blades in length, uniformly spreading-pilosulous. Inflorescences aggregate or sometimes compound dichasia, more or less flat topped, 2-28 cm long in anthesis, later diffuse, 13-60 cm long, 7-28 cm wide, the terminal scorpioid sympodia 2-6 cm long; bracts 1-2 mm long, glabrous. Flowers white to pinkish, hermaphroditic; calyx limb 10-13-fid; corolla infundibuliform to subsalverform, 1.8-5.0 mm long, glabrous without, the tube abruptly narrowed and often somewhat filiform to-wards the base, the lobes less than half the length of the gibbous tube, the throat sparsely pilosulous without; stamens and style exserted. Achenes oval to sub-orbicular, somewhat fabriliform (bellows shape), with 2 peripheral and 1 median abaxial vein, subarcuate, minutely papillate, yellowish to purplish maculate, 1.2-2.0 mm long, 0.9-1.1 mm wide, glabrous or sometimes densely hirtellous on the adaxial side, glabrous on the abaxial side, the midribs prominent.