Leaves 3–17(26) × 1.5–10(14) cm, ovate-oblong or elliptic to ovate, acuminate at the apex, cuneate to rounded or subcordate at the base, densely pubescent to velvety all over with yellowish hairs; lateral nerves in 5–8 main pairs; tertiary nerves not markedly apparent; stipules with base 2 mm long and filiform part 5–12 mm long; petiole 5–13 mm long.
A tree. It grows 15 m high. It loses its leaves for a short time. The branches often arch over. The bark is dark grey and can be slightly cracked. The leaves are simple and opposite. The leaves are velvety and hairy. They are oval with a long point. They are 3-17 cm long. The flowers are pale green or yellow. The fruit are round berries 3 cm across.
Corolla distinctly apiculate in bud, often the 5 appendages very marked; bright green or yellow-green, greenish-cream inside, sparsely to densely hairy outside, sometimes only on the lobes, the tube more or less glabrous; tube 3.5–5.5 mm long; lobes 4–4.5 mm long, narrowly triangular.
Fruit eventually turning brown, 2–2.5 cm long, subglobose, or sometimes asymmetric and ellipsoid if reduced to one pyrene by abortion; pyrenes 4–5 normally, up to 16 × 7–8 × 6 mm.
Spreading shrub or small tree 2.4–9(15) m tall, with dark grey, smooth or slightly fissured bark; shoots densely ferruginous-velvety when young, later dark and lenticellate.
Inflorescences short, 1–4 cm long, very densely shortly hairy; peduncle 6–20 mm long with bracts as in last species; pedicels 0.75–3 mm long, densely shortly hairy.
Calyx tube 1–1.5 mm in diameter, subglobose, densely shortly hairy; calyx lobes 1.5–6(8) mm long, linear or oblong, densely hairy.