Leaves alternate, 3-foliolate; petiole 0·5–2·3 cm. long, with wings 1–4 mm. broad on each side at the apex and narrowing downwards; leaflets sessile; lamina 1·5–4 (5) × 0·6–1·5 (2) cm., narrowly elliptic to elliptic or obovate, papyraceous, densely dotted with pellucid glands, obtuse or rounded at the apex, margin crenulate, cuneate at the base; nerves and veins conspicuous on both surfaces.
Male flowers: stamens 8, inserted at the base of a very narrow disk; filaments flattened at the base, those opposite the petals shorter and all shorter than the petals; anthers basifixed, ovate, 2-lobed at the base; vestigial ovary glabrous with the styles united almost to the apex.
Deciduous shrub, up to 3 m high. Leaves 3-foliolate, petiole winged, leaflets sessile, elliptic or obovate, 15-40 x 6-15 mm, densely dotted with glands, conspicuously veined on both surfaces. Flowers yellow.
Inflorescences up to 2 cm. long, of terminal racemes or panicles, glabrous or rarely slightly puberulous; bracteoles up to 0·5 mm. long, ovate, acute, deciduous; pedicels 0·5–2 mm. long.
Shrub. Leaflets hairy on both surfaces, cuneate at base, petioles very narrowly winged. Fruit ellipsoid-globose, 7 x 5 mm, glabrescent, brown.
Fruit c. 1 cm. long, ellipsoid, 1-locular; endocarp woody.
Deciduous shrub up to 3 m. tall; young branches glabrous.
Sepals 4, united into a short-lobed cupuliform calyx.
Petals 4, 4 × 1·6 mm., imbricate in bud, elliptic.
Flowers yellow, 4-merous, unisexual by abortion.
Female flowers not seen.
Seed immature.