Male flowers: stamens (6–7) 8, inserted at the base of the disk, those opposite the petals shorter than those opposite the sepals; filaments flattened at the base, subulate; anthers dorsifixed, 2-lobed at the base; ovary vestigial with 2–4 styles.
Female flowers: staminodes 8 or fewer; ovary (1) 2–4-locular; loculi 2-ovulate; ovules pendulous; stigma sessile, 2–4-lobed.
Inflorescence of axillary and terminal racemes or panicles or clustered cymes, sometimes on older leafless branches.
Leaves alternate or rarely opposite, 1-or 3-foliolate; leaflets dotted with pellucid glands.
Sepals united to form a cupuliform (3) 4-lobed calyx.
Fruit drupaceous, (1) 2–4-locular; loculi 1-seeded.
Flowers (2–3) 4-merous, unisexual by abortion.
Petals (3) 4, oblong, imbricate in bud.
Trees or shrubs, sometimes subscandent.
Endosperm present.