Male flowers: stamens (7) 8, inserted at the base of a narrow disk; filaments flattened at the base, those opposite the petals shorter; anthers ovate, dorsifixed, 2-lobed at the base, laterally dehiscent; vestigial ovary glabrous with 2 stout styles.
Sepals 4, united into a cupuliform calyx 1·4 mm. long; lobes very short, slightly imbricate, with scarious ciliolate margin.
Female flowers: staminodes absent; ovary globose, sessile, glabrous, 3-locular; stigma sessile, discoid.
Evergreen shrub or tree up to 12 m. tall; branches, leaves and inflorescences glabrous.
Fruit c. 1·4 cm. in diam., globose, sessile, 3-locular; endocarp woody.
Seeds 9 mm. long; testa membranaceous; cotyledons plano-convex.
Petals 4, 3·5 × 1·3 mm., imbricate, elliptic to ovate.
Flowers 4-merous, sessile, unisexual by abortion.
Inflorescence of axillary pseudoracemes.