Erect or ascending annual herbs, the stems branching, glabrous or pubescent, sometimes glandular; roots fibrous. Leaves opposite, ovate, elliptical, oblong or lanceolate, often very variable in size and shape on the same plant, entire, costate, the strongly ascending lateral venation mostly obscure, glabrous to short pilose. Inflorescences long terminal leafy appearing racemes, the pedicels ca. 1 mm long, the bracts ovate or oblong, to 10 mm long, entire, much exceeding the flowers. Flowers with the calyx divided nearly to the base, the lobes entire, much exceeding the flowers, ovate or oblong, costate, glabrous or basally puberu-lent with short glandular hairs; corolla white, campanulate, stamens 2, the style short, less than 0.25 mm long, the stigma capitate. Capsule glabrous, stramineous, 2-3 mm long.