Perennial, slender, herbaceous, twining climber or woody liana. Stems much branched, 1-5 m long, often reaching canopy. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, rarely elliptic, 30-90 x 20-64 mm, base rounded to subtruncate, apex acute and apiculate with noticeable drip-tip, glabrous; petioles 27-34 mm long. Inflorescences lax, often profusely flowering, pedunculate, 50-127 mm long, often curved, forked or branching into 2-4 each, ending in umbel-like cymes of 2-4(-6) flowers; pedicels 8.5-10.0 mm long. Corolla rotate, ± 10 mm in diam., divided almost to base; lobes lanceolate, 4.0-4.5 x 1.5-1.7 mm, apex slightly twisted, coralline corona a small round swelling at base, glabrous, dark purple, crimson, magenta-red, brownish red or reddish purple. Staminal corona: lobes lobulate, ligulate, fleshy, free, 0.7-1.0 mm tall, slightly gibbous at base on outside, narrowing apically with tip incurved over anthers, purple-brown, equalling style apex with central raised boss.
Climber. Leaf blade 40-90 mm long. Peduncle dichotomously or paniculately much-branched, each branch bearing 2-4 small umbel-like cymes. Corolla glabrous. Flowers purple to crimson; corona purple-brown.