Trees or shrubs with simple and also stellate or dendroid hairs, glandular canals containing yellow to orange resinous sap, and glandular loculi or vittae con-taining amber or black secretions. Leaves opposite, entire, petiolate or rarely sessile, the secondary venation pinnate, the tertiary venation reticulate, the lam-ina often with dark glands, usually densely pubescent or tomentose beneath. In-florescences many-2-flowered, usually thyrsoid, terminal and often also axillary, rarely only axillary or cauliflorous; bracts and bracteoles represented by tomentose ledges; pedicels present. Flowers homostylous or dimorphically heterostylous, the perianth erect; sepals 5, quincuncial, the outer parts thick in bud, usually tomentose, the inner parts thin in bud, often scarious, glandular-vittate or-punctate; petals 5, white or greenish white to yellow, asymmetric or not, eglandular or variously glandular-vittate or-punctate, deciduous, externally glabrous, internally whitish-villous; stamen fascicles free or rarely united with the petals, glabrous or villous, deciduous or persistent, each with many-3 stamens, the filaments slender, more than half united, the anthers ovoid or globose with an amber (? or dark) gland on the connective; staminodial fascicles 5, glabrous or pilose, alternating with the stamen fascicles; ovary glabrous, 5-locular with axile placentas, each placenta with many-5 ovules, the styles 5, free or coherent below but not united, sometimes hirsute, the stigma broadly capitate to recurved-bifid. Fruit a smooth glabrous berry with fleshy pericarp, or thin pericarp, and then 5-lobed and sometimes apparently capsular when dried, often glandular-punctate, many seeded; seeds small with the testa finely reticulate, not or scarcely carinate, the embryo slender, straight, with distinct straight cotyledons.
Trees or shrubs. Leaves usually petiolate, entire, furnished with opaque glandular dots. Inflorescence terminal. Sepals 5, furnished with longitudinal linear glands or rarely gland-dots. Petals villous within, furnished with longitudinal linear glands or gland-dots. Stamens in 5 bundles opposite the petals, few to many in each bundle, with the upper part of the filaments free. Staminodes scale-like, alternating with the staminal bundles. Ovary 5-locular. Styles 5, free. Ovules 5 or more per loculus, arranged in two ranks. Fruit a berry. Seeds numerous, small and dry.