Voacanga thouarsii Roem. & Schult.


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Apocynaceae > Voacanga


Tree 5-15 m high with all parts glabrous; sap milky. Leaves opposite and decussate, crowded towards the tips of the branches, subcoriaceous, dull when dry, oblong-oblanceolate, 8-16 cm long and 2.2-5.5 cm broad, base narrowly cuneate, apex broadly rounded or rarely obtuse, usually with scattered acarodomatia on the lower surface; secondary nerves 8-12 on each side, widely spreading, indistinct; petiole 0.8-2.2 cm long. Stipules small, united in an interpetiolar rim or short sheath; axillary glands present. Inflorescence usually arising in pairs, terminal, dense, few-flowered consisting of racemosely arranged reduced cymes; peduncle stout, 2.5-8 cm long; bracts broadly ovate, obtuse, early caducous. Flowers fairly large, up to 4.5 cm in diameter, fleshy, white to yellowish, unpleasantly scented; pedicels 5-7 mm long. Calyx wide tubular, 1-1.4 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, early circumscissile at the base with numerous glands within; lobes short, rounded, 3-4 mm long and 6-7 mm broad. Corolla salver-shaped, tube slightly longer than the calyx, subcylindric, slightly constricted above the middle, twisted above the constriction; lobes broadly obcordate, 1.5-2.2 cm long and 2 cm broad, overlapping to the left. Stamens 5, inserted near the corolla mouth, sessile with the filament reduced to a callus swelling; anthers lanceolate, sagittate, 5-6 mm long, exserted for half their length. Disc cupular entire or almost so, subequal to or exceeding the ovary, persistent. Ovary of 2 free carpels, glabrous; style columnar, thickened upwards, compressed, 10-12 mm long; stigma thickened, shortly cylindric, grooved, with a frill at the base, apex blunt. Fruit of usually 2 mericarps; mericarps baccate, globose, 7-9 em in diameter, with a thick coriaceous rind and sticky latex, smooth, green, mottled with whitish or yellowish spots, dehiscing longitudinally. Seeds numerous, yellow, embedded in a fleshy pulp, ovoid, often triquetrous, 8-11 mm long, grooved and deeply infolded ventrally, surface obscurely ruminate; embryo straight; cotyledons flat, elliptic; radicle slightly longer than the cotyledons; endosperm fleshy.
Tree 2–15(–20) m high; trunk terete, 4–40(–80) cm in diameter; bark pale grey brown, smooth, with small lenticels, and some white latex; branchlets glabrous or minutely puberulous, with much latex.. Leaves petiolate; blade narrowly obovate, 6–25 cm long, 2–9 cm wide, obtuse or rounded at the apex, attenuate at the base, glabrous, with numerous pits on both surfaces; petiole 8–25 mm long, glabrous or minutely puberulous at the base, ochrea widened into intrapetiolar stipules.. Inflorescence up to 21 cm long corymbs, few-flowered; peduncle 5–20 cm long, stout, glabrous; bracts deciduous, ovate, apex rounded, up to 10 mm long; pedicels 8–15 mm long, minutely puberulous above.. Flowers sweetly scented; sepals connate for over half their length, fleshy, broadly ovate, rounded; tube often pale green, creamy or white, fleshy, almost cylindrical, 17–23 mm long, twisted; lobes pale yellow, broadly obcordate, not twisted, 19–30 mm long, 28–43 mm wide, narrowed at the base, emarginate at the apex; stamens barely exserted or included 3–4 mm below the mouth of the corolla; disk annular, 2–4.5 mm high, shallowly to deeply 5-lobed; pistil 17–23 mm long; ovary of free carpels, each with ± 80 ovules; style 12–19 mm long.. Fruits spotted pale and dark green, of two free subglobose mericarps, 4–10 cm in diameter; pericarp creamy in section, 5–15 mm thick; aril orange; seeds dark brown, obliquely ovoid or ellipsoid, 8–9.5 mm long, densely papillose and shallowly grooved all over.. Fig. 14 (p. 43).
Corolla pale yellow with the tube often pale green, creamy, or white, carnose, in the mature bud 29–33 mm. long, incl. the lobes (the lobes 2/5–2/5 of the bud-length, being 13–19 x 10–13 mm., forming an almost conical head with a blunt apex), glabrous on both sides; tube as long as the calyx or slightly longer, almost cylindrical, 17–23 mm. long, twisted, widest around the ovary and there 5–8 mm. wide, contracted above, narrowest just below the insertion of the stamens and there 4–6 mm. wide, widened and thickened at the insertion of the stamens, inside with 5 small incrasations in the mouth (touching the connectives); lobes not twisted, broadly obcordate, 1·1–1·3 times as long as the tube, 1·2–1·5 times as wide as long, 19–30 x 28–43 mm., with basal portion about 3–5 x 3–5 mm., abruptly widened from there, at the apex emarginate, entire, spreading to recurved.
A small tree. It grows up to 15 m tall. The leaves are crowded towards the ends of branches. Leaves are leathery and opposite. There is one pair at right angles to the next. Leaves are 8-16 cm long and 2.5-5.5 cm wide. They are broadly sword shaped. The tips are usually broadly rounded and the base narrowed. Leaves are shiny green above and duller beneath. The small stipules or leaf like structures are united into a small flap between the leaves. The flowers can be 5 cm across. They have 5 broadly fleshy overlapping twisted petals. The flowers occur in flower heads at the ends of branches. The fruit are usually in pairs and like 2 green cricket balls joined together. Each part is round and 7-9 cm across. The fruit have mottles of white or yellow on them. The seeds are grooved and yellow. The fruit are edible.
Tree, 5-17 m high; crown spreading. Leaves weakly coriaceous, crowded towards stem apex, oblong-oblanceolate, 80-160 x 25-55 mm, apex obtuse; stipules forming interpetiolar sheath. Inflorescences terminal, contracted cymes. Flowers salver-shaped, white turning creamy yellow. Corolla: tube slightly longer than calyx, constricted above middle, twisted; lobes broadly obcordate, 15-22 x 20-23 mm, apex splayed, bilobed. Stamens with swollen, almost obsolete filaments, exserted from mouth. Circumgynoecial glandular disc cupular, ± entire, enclosing ovary halfway. Gynoecium apocarpous, bicarpellate; style apex cylindrical, vertically grooved, annulus basal. Flowering time Aug.-Feb. Fruit a pair of globose, fleshy follicles, diverging horizontally, fused at base, 70-90 mm in diam., surface smooth, mottled.
Leaves shortly petiolate; petiole 8–25 mm. long, glabrous or minutely puberulous at the base, those of a pair connate into a short ocrea (widened into intrapetiolar stipules), with a single row of colleters in the axils; lamina often slightly glaucous with the costa often pale, often thickly coriaceous (also when fresh), narrowly obovate or less often narrowly elliptic, 2–4 times as long as wide, 6–25 x 2–9 cm., obtuse or rounded, cuneate or decurrent into the petiole, glabrous and usually with numerous minute pits on both surfaces; secondary veins 12–20 on each side, inconspicuous in fresh leaves; tertiary venation inconspicuous.
Calyx pale, to dark green, with hyaline margin, fleshy, clasping the corolla tube and shed together with the corolla, from abscission layer 13–25 mm. long, 7–13 mm. wide, outside minutely papilose except for the glabrous apices of the lobes, inside with several irregular rows of colleters in the lower half of the tube; tube barrel-shaped to cylindrical, 2·5–4 times as long as the lobes, 10-16 mm. long; lobes usually broadly ovate, 3–10 x 4–10 mm., rounded, entire, erect.
Pistil glabrous, approximately as long as the corolla tube, 17–23 mm. long; carpels 2, separate 2–3 x 2–3·5 x 1–1·7 mm., rounded, connected at the apex by the base of the style; style not split at the base, 12–19 x 1 mm., more or less gradually thickened at the apex; clavuncula capitate, 1–1·6 x 1–1·6 mm., with a ring 1·5–2 x 3·4 mm., being long-fimbriate at the base.
Stamens exserted for 2–3 mm. (seemingly more in dry specimens), inserted 3–4 mm. below mouth of the corolla; anthers sessile, narrowly triangular, 6–7 x 3 mm., acuminate at the sterile apex (sterile part 2 mm.), glabrous.
Fruit of two free subglobose mericarps being slightly longer than wide and about as thick as wide, 4–10 cm. in diam., pale and dark green-spotted, also when mature, wall creamy inside and on section, 5(?)–15 mm. thick.
Bracts dediduous and leaving conspicuous scars, ovate, rounded at the apex, with a single row of large colleters in the axils; lower up to 10 x 7 mm., other smaller.
Usually a small tree, 2–15(20) m. high; trunk terete, 4–40(80) cm. in diam., bark pale grey-brown, smooth, with small lenticels, with some white latex.
Seeds with orange aril, dark brown, obliquely ovoid or ellipsoid, 8–9·5 x 6-6·5 x 4–5 mm., rough, densely papillose and shallowly grooved all over.
Inflorescences long-pedunculate, fairly lax, without peduncle 4–7 x 4–7 cm., few-flowered, monochasial or nearly so.
Branches with or without some large lenticels; branchlets glabrous or minutely puberulous, with much latex.
Pedicels 8-15 mm. long except for the thickened 2–5 mm. long apex, often mintuely puberulous above.
Disk annular, lower or higher than the ovary, 2–4·5 mm. high, shallowly to deeply 5-lobed.
The leaves crowded at the ends of the branches
Peduncle 5–14 cm. long, stout, glabrous.
Ovules about 80 in each carpel.
Glabrous tree 20-30 ft.high
Flowers sweet-scented.
Flowers white waxy
Life form perennial
Growth form tree
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 5.0 - 15.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Often in swampy ground; growing in valley bottoms; ravines and stream-banks of the wooded savannah. Mostly in semi-deciduous forest and savannah, often in moist localities, sea-level to 600 metres. It easily colonizes disturbed habitats
A tropical plant. It grows in coastal forests. It is often in marshy soils. It grows on the edge of evergreen forest and in swamp forest. It grows from sea level to 600 m above sea level.
Forest areas.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The fruit are eaten.
Uses charcoal environmental use fiber food fuel material medicinal wood
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment soaking
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Voacanga thouarsii unspecified picture


Voacanga thouarsii world distribution map, present in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, eSwatini, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Voacanga thouarsii threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:82760-1
WFO ID wfo-0000333650
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Orchipeda thouarsii Voacanga dregei Voacanga obtusa Cyclostigma natalense Tabernaemontana thouarsii Orchipeda dregei Orchipeda dregei Piptolaena dregei Voacanga thouarsii var. dregei Voacanga thouarsii var. obtusa Annularia natalensis Voacanga thouarsii