Small, deciduous, shade-loving terrestrial orchids with short, above-ground stems, basal part decumbent on ground, upper part erect. Roots wiry, arising from basal nodes. Leaves short but relatively broad, stalked, thin-textured, spirally-arranged in basal or ascending rosette. Inflorescence terminating a stem, spicate, short, hairy. Flowers resupinate, few to several, crowded, small, dull-coloured, resupinate, glabrous or hairy. Dorsal sepal and petals adherent to form galea. Lateral sepals free, flanking galea, with a basal, auricle-like structure which embraces the top of the spur. Petals narrow, upper side adherent to dorsal sepal. Labellum 3-lobed, prominent spur projecting downwards between lateral sepals; spur with 2 stalked glands that resemble tonsils or testicles. Pollinia 2, attached via caudicle to viscidium.