Trees, evergreen, perennial, monoecious; stems and foliage without latex. Indumentum of simple, multicellular trichomes, glandular trichomes absent, stinging trichomes absent. Stipules entire, inconspicuous, deciduous. Leaves opposite, petiolate, elobate, penniveined, entire, glands absent. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, racemose, solitary, uni-or bisexual with the female flowers towards the top; flowers in bracteate clusters. Male flowers pedicellate; calyx lobes 3+3, imbricate, free and ± equal; petals absent; disc of three rows of glands; stamens 36–55, filaments free and attached to a slightly raised receptacle; anthers dorsifixed, bilobate, thecae oblong and longitudinally dehiscent; pistillodes absent. Female flowers pedicellate; calyx lobes 3+3, imbricate, free; petals absent; disc of subulate glands; ovary 2-or 3-locular, ovules biloculate; styles shortly connate at base, simple. Fruit capsular, trilobate, surface smooth, dehiscing septicidally into 3 bivalved cocci. Seeds flattened-ellipsoid; testa crustaceous; albumen fleshy; caruncle entire, non-arilloid; cotyledons broad, flat.