Shrubs or small trees. Leaves decussate, subcoriaceous, the lamina finely black-punctate beneath. Flowers slightly zygomorphic, in axillary cymes, (5–)6-merous. Calyx-tube tubular or tubular-urceolate; lobes short, ± triangular, alternating with small callous appendages. Petals small, elliptic to lanceolate-attenuate, shorter or ± longer than the sepals. Stamens (10–)12, inserted in the tube below the middle, well exserted and often curved to one side. Ovary sessile, oblong, incompletely 2-locular; style slender, often curved, exceeding ovary; ovules numerous. Capsule ellipsoid-ovoid, enclosed within the calyx-tube, thin-walled, breaking irregularly or ± 2-valved. Seeds numerous, compressed trigonous-ovoid, minute.