Woodsia alpina (Bolton) Gray

Alpine woodsia (en), Woodsie des Alpes (fr)


Pteridophytes > Polypodiales > Woodsiaceae > Woodsia


Stems compact, erect to ascending, with cluster of persistent petiole bases of ± equal length; scales uniformly brown, lanceolate. Leaves 2.5--20 × 0.5--2.5 cm. Petiole reddish brown or dark purple when mature, articulate above base at swollen node, relatively brittle and easily shattered. Blade linear to narrowly lanceolate, usually pinnate-pinnatifid proximally, lacking glands, never viscid; rachis with widely scattered hairs and scales. Pinnae ovate-lanceolate to deltate, longer than wide, abruptly tapered to a rounded or broadly acute apex; largest pinnae with 1--3 pairs of pinnules; abaxial surface with isolated hairs and linear scales, adaxial surface glabrous. Pinnules entire or broadly crenate; margins nonlustrous, thin, with occasional isolated cilia, lacking translucent projections. Vein tips often enlarged to form whitish hydathodes visible adaxially . Indusia of narrow, hairlike segments, these uniseriate throughout, composed of cells many times longer than wide, usually surpassing mature sporangia. Spores averaging 46--53 µm.
Plants 8-12 cm tall. Rhizomes compact, ascending, with cluster of persistent stipe bases of ± equal length; scales concolorous, brown, lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, membranous, fimbriate. Fronds clustered; stipe reddish brown, lustrous, 1-2 cm, ca. 1 mm in diam., articulate below middle, sparsely scaly, and scales later fallen; lamina 1-pinnate-pinnatifid, lanceolate, 5.5-9 × 1-1.7 cm, herbaceous or thinly herbaceous, both surfaces glabrous, base attenuate, apex acuminate; rachis with sparse long hairs and linear-lanceolate scales; pinnae 9-11 pairs, separate, oblique; lower pinnae shorter than above, ovate, 2-3 mm; middle pinnae largest, ovate or deltoid-ovate, 5-9 × 4-7 mm, pinnatifid, with 3 or 4 pairs of lobes, apex acute; pinna lobes hemielliptic, 2-3 mm, margin usually involute when dried. Veins pinnate, ending in hydathodes close to laminar margin, obvious adaxially. Sori orbicular; indusia saucer-shaped, with fimbriate long-ciliate margin. 2n = 156.
Rhizome-scales lanceolate or lance-ovate, 4-6 × 1-2 mm, brown, denticulate, sparsely fimbriate; lvs 6-15 cm; petiole bright brown, sparingly scaly and hairy, articulate below the middle; blade linear, 1-2 cm wide, slightly narrowed below, pinnate-pinnatifid, sparsely hairy on the rachis and lower surface, the rachis also sparsely scaly; pinnae sessile, 8-15 pairs, ovate, obtuse, deeply pinnatifid, the segments 2-3(4) pairs, oblong to suborbicular, the lower sublobate, not ciliate; indusium a small disk with a few long septate marginal hairs; 2n=156, thought to be an alloploid derived from nos. 1 [Woodsia glabella R. Br.] and 3 [Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br.]. Rock crevices in cool sites; circumboreal, s. to N.S., Vt., N.Y., Mich., and Minn. A sterile triploid hybrid with no. 3 [Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R. Br.] is W. ×gracilis (G. Lawson) Butters.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination hydrogamy
Spread anemochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.06 - 0.16
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Woodsia alpina unspecified picture


Woodsia alpina world distribution map, present in Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Canada, Switzerland, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Georgia, Greenland, India, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America, and South Africa


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:17234640-1
WFO ID wfo-0001109457
BDTFX ID 72998
INPN ID 130124
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Ceterach alpina Polypodium arvonicum Polypodium hyperboreum Trichocyclus hyperboreus Woodsia alpina Acrostichum alpinum Woodsia bellii Woodsia himalaica Woodsia hyperborea Acrostichum hyperboreum Woodsia alpina var. bellii Woodsia alpina var. alpina Woodsia ilvensis var. alpina Woodsia ilvensis subsp. alpina Woodsia alpina subsp. bellii Woodsia glabella var. bellii