Inflorescence of terminal and axillary simple racemes; bracts small, falling early; bracteoles usually near the base of the pedicel, insignificant.
Seeds brown or black, ± rectangular or reniform, attached in the centre of their larger side, with a small hilum.
Fruit brown or greenish-brown and shiny, an indehiscent oblongoid to subspherical drupe, stipitate, 1–3-seeded.
Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets (7)9–11(13), alternate or in subopposite pairs, coriaceous, without stipels.
Calyx campanulate, ± truncate above, apparently entire or with 5 very short teeth.
Ovary subsessile, pubescent with a short glabrous style.
Flowers with a small perigynous disc up to 1 mm broad.
Trees up to 30 m high.