Stembase with globose, pubescent or glabrous tubers up to 8 mm diam. Leaves ensiform, 20-25 cm by 1½-2½ mm, falcate, acute, widened at the base, papillate. Sheaths 6-7 cm. Peduncle 30-40 cm, terete, with numerous black papillae. Head ovoid to globose, 8-10 by 8-10 mm. Bracts elliptic, 6-7 by 3-4 mm, obtuse to truncate, papillate in the upper fourth, with 4-8 complete nerves (incomplete in the basal bracts). Lateral sepals narrow, 4-5 by ca 1 mm, obtuse, crest tapering towards the base. Ovary urceolate, shortly stipitate, 3-sided, 2-3 by ca 2 mm.