Trees, 3-30 m high; trunks armed with more or less vertically flattened prickles, older trunks prickly only above, the branchlets strigillose to glabrate, sometimes armed with small sharp prickles. Leaves odd-or rarely even-pinnate, 17.5-38.5 cm long; petiole and rachis occasionally armed with yellowish prickles, canaliculate above, minutely puberulent to strigillose or glabrous; leaflets 9-14, opposite to subopposite, obovate or elliptic to oblong, abruptly acuminate or rounded apically, cuneate and inequilateral basally, the margins entire to ob-scurely crenulate, more or less revolute, the blade pellucid punctate throughout with punctations of 2 sizes, subcoriaceous, lustrous above and paler beneath, minutely puberulent or strigillose to glabrous, occasionally with 1 or more sharp yellowish prickles beneath on the midrib, 5.5-17.0 cm long, 2.9-8.0 cm wide, subsessile or the petiolule to 7 mm long. Staminate panicles axillary and crowded subterminally, many branched, to 25 cm long, the branches puberulent. Staminate flowers greenish white or white, the pedicels ca. 1 mm long; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, acute to rounded, puberulent, less than 1 mm long; petals 5, ovate or elliptic, acute, slightly keeled and thickened subapically, ca. 2.5 mm long, 1 mm wide; stamens 5, about as long as the petals; ovary 3-lobed, minutely pubescent, the styles 3, free, less than 1 mm long. Carpellate panicles terminal, branched, 8-14 cm long, the branches puberulent or strigillose. Carpellate flowers green, the pedicels ca. 1 mm long; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, acute, spreading, less than 1 mm long; petals 5, lanceolate, ca. 2 mm long, less than 1 mm-wide; stamens abortive, less than 1 mm long; ovary 3-lobed, globose, the styles apical, connate, much less than 1 mm long, the stigma 3-lobed, discoid, 1 mm in diameter. Follicles 1-3 (-4), subglobose, brown to dark red, punctate glandular, strigillose, 3-6 mm in diameter; seeds-subglobose, black, lustrous, minutely pitted.