Zanthoxylum L.

Pricklyash (en), Clavalier (fr)


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Rutaceae


Shrubs sometimes scrambling, trees, or woody climbers, evergreen or deciduous, dioecious, rarely monoecious or polygamo-monoecious [or monoclinous], usually armed [or exclusively unarmed]. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnately 3-to many foliolate or sometimes digitately 3-foliolate (occasional leaves even-pinnate, 2-foliolate, or 1-foliolate). Inflorescences terminal, axillary, or basal to leaves, paniculate, thyrsiform, corymbiform, racemose, or umbelliform. Perianth in 2 series and differentiated with 4 or 5 sepals and 4 or 5 petals or grading to 1 series and undifferentiated with 5-9 tepals. Sepals distinct or basally connate. Petals valvate or imbricate in bud. Stamens distinct, 4 or 5 in plants with sepals and petals, 3-8(-10) in plants with tepals, rudimentary or lacking in female flowers. Disk flattened, pulvinate, or columnar. Gynoecium 1-5-carpelled, rudimentary or lacking in male flowers; ovaries basally connate, otherwise ± contiguous or distinct, 1-loculed; ovules 2 per locule. Styles in compound gynoecium apical or subapical, coherent or contiguous to spreading-ascending or recurved; stigmas capitate, coherent or distinct. Style in simple gynoecium off-centered, erect or variously curved or bent; stigma capitate to peltate. Fruit follicles 1-5, distinct or basally connate, apex often with a stylar beak; abortive carpels, if any, often persistent. Seeds globose to ovoid, persistent in dehisced fruit; seed coat with a thick or rarely ± thin inner layer of dense black sclerenchyma and spongy-fleshy outer layer bounded externally by a shiny black or reddish pellicle; endosperm copious or rarely scant; embryo straight or ± curved; cotyledons ± orbicular to broadly elliptic, flattened or rarely plano-convex; hypocotyl superior.
Shrubs or trees, rarely scandent; trunks and branches often armed with prickles, the branchIets prickly or unarmed, the bark and wood aromatic. Leaves alternate, odd-or even-pinnate, rarely 1-3 foliolate, persistent or deciduous; petiole and rachis terete or angled, often winged, unarmed or prickly; leaflets opposite to alternate, entire to crenate, frequently inequilateral, pellucid punctate at least marginally, often glandular punctate and with numerous minute peltate scales on both surfaces. Inflorescences axillary and/or terminal panicles, some-times corymbose, racemose, or spikelike. Flowers small, regular, white to greenish yellow or red, unisexual or rarely bisexual, the plants dioecious, rarely monoecious or polygamous; sepals 3-5 or apparently absent, free to connate, persistent or deciduous; petals 3-8, free, imbricate or valvate; stamens 3-5, opposite the sepals, rudimentary or absent in carpellate flowers, the filaments free, unappendaged, the anthers elliptic to ovate; intrastaminal disc small and annular or obscure; gynoecium of 1-5, sessile to stipitate, free or connate carpels, rudimentary or absent in staminate flowers; ovary 1-5-loculed, the ovules 2 per locule, collateral, pendulous, the styles sublateral, connate to free, the stigmas capitate, free or connate. Fruits of 1-5 sessile to stipitate, coriaceous to fleshy, 2-valved, 1-seeded, free to connate, glandular-punctate follicles; seeds ovoid, obovoid, subglobose, or lenticular, often remaining attached to the placenta by the funiculus at maturity, the testa crustaceous, black, brownish, or reddish, lustrous, the endosperm fleshy, the embryo axial, straight or curved, the cotyledons flat, the radicle short.
Shrubs, trees, or woody climbers, dioecious, evergreen or deciduous, usually armed. Trichomes simple. Leaves alternate, mostly pinnate or trifoliolate. Inflorescences paniculate or sometimes racemose, terminal and/or axillary or infrafoliar. Flowers comparatively lax, 4-merous. Sepals persistent in fruit. Petals distinct, ± narrowly imbricate, glabrous, deciduous in fruit. Stamens (rudimentary or lacking in female flowers) 4, distinct. Gynoecium (rudimentary or lacking in male flowers) a 4-carpelled subapocarpous pistil or 1-carpelled; ovules 2 per locule; style central-apical and composed of 4 contiguous stylar and stigmatic elements or excentric and composed of single stylar and stigmatic elements. Fruit usually of 1 or 1–4 basally connate follicles; exocarp subfleshy; abortive carpels persistent; ventral endocarp lacking; remaining endocarp cartilaginous, glabrous, adnate. Seeds solitary, ovoid to globose, nearly as large as follicles, persistent in dehisced follicles, with sclerotesta, sarcotesta, and shiny black or reddish pellicle; endosperm copious or scant. Embryo straight; cotyledons flattened or plano-convex, orbicular to elliptic in outline; hypocotyl terminal, considerable narrower than cotyledons.
Deciduous or evergreen aculeate shrubs or trees; trunk usually with bosses. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate; leaflets (1–)2–12(or more)-jugate, opposite or alternate1 sessile to petiolulate, usually ± asymmetric, crenulate, serrate or entire, dotted with pellucid glands. Inflorescence of terminal and/or axillary panicles or of racemes borne at the base of new branches below the leaves. Flowers unisexual by abortion, usually on separate plants, 4–5-merous. Sepals usually persistent and very small. Petals valvate or slightly imbricate. Male flowers: stamens opposite the sepals; gynophore short; ovary vestigial. Female flowers: staminodes rudimentary; gynophore short; ovary of 1–2 carpels (1 sometimes aborts), each 1-locular and with 2 subapical collateral pendulous ovules (1 aborts); style terete, oblique, incurved; stigma discoid or subcapitate. Fruit a subglobose dehiscent 1-seeded follicle or pair of follicles, glandular-foveolate. Seed subglobose, black, shiny.
Fls unisexual, our spp. dioecious, (3)4–5-merous, the stamens as many as and alternate with the pet; carpels 2–5, the ovaries distinct, the styles coherent above; ovules 2, collateral, pendulous; fr from each carpel a firm-walled or somewhat fleshy follicle, dehiscent across the top, the 1 or 2 seeds often hanging from a long funiculus; shrubs or trees with prickly stems, alternate, odd-pinnately compound lvs and clusters of small greenish or whitish fls. 200+, mainly of warm reg.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality dioecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Important as a commercial timber (Satinwood) in tropical Africa (Z. macrophyllum W.R.B.Oliv.) and tropical America (Z. flavum Vahl). The fruit is used as a condiment in India, the Himalayas, and SE Asia (Z. acanthopodium DC., Z. armatum DC., Z. myriacanthum Wall. ex Hook. f. and Z. rhetsa (Roxb.) DC.), in China (Z. bungeanum Maxim.) and Japan (Z. piperitum DC.). Used in aboriginal medicine, especially as a remedy for toothache, in India and SE Asia (Z. armatum DC. and Z. nitidum (Roxb.) DC.), S Africa (Z. capense (Thumb.) Harv.) and N America (Z. americanum and Z. clava-herculis L.).
Uses medicinal timber wood
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Zanthoxylum unspecified picture


Zanthoxylum world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000041155
COL ID 6497N
BDTFX ID 118883
INPN ID 445976
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Lacuris Fagara Zanthoxylum Ochroxylum Xanthophyllon Blackburnia

Lower taxons

Zanthoxylum mildbraedii Zanthoxylum mayu Zanthoxylum nadeaudii Zanthoxylum myrianthum Zanthoxylum schinifolium Zanthoxylum riedelianum Zanthoxylum spondiifolium Zanthoxylum setulosum Zanthoxylum renieri Zanthoxylum simulans Zanthoxylum petiolare Zanthoxylum pilosiusculum Zanthoxylum pinnatum Zanthoxylum yakumontanum Zanthoxylum tragodes Zanthoxylum syncarpum Zanthoxylum integrifoliolum Zanthoxylum iwahigense Zanthoxylum amapense Zanthoxylum armatum Zanthoxylum apiculatum Zanthoxylum beecheyanum Zanthoxylum aculeatissimum Zanthoxylum acuminatum Zanthoxylum rubescens Zanthoxylum sapindifolium Zanthoxylum sarasinii Zanthoxylum rhetsa Zanthoxylum paniculatum Zanthoxylum pucro Zanthoxylum quinduense Zanthoxylum pluviatile Zanthoxylum psammophilum Zanthoxylum tetraspermum Zanthoxylum ekmanii Zanthoxylum delagoense Zanthoxylum foliolosum Zanthoxylum gillespieanum Zanthoxylum fagara Zanthoxylum forbesii Zanthoxylum flavum Zanthoxylum canalense Zanthoxylum chevalieri Zanthoxylum burkillianum Zanthoxylum cucullatipetalum Zanthoxylum compactum Zanthoxylum conspersipunctatum Zanthoxylum leiboicum Zanthoxylum oreophilum Zanthoxylum laurentii Zanthoxylum ovatifoliolatum Zanthoxylum huberi Zanthoxylum bouetense Zanthoxylum backeri Zanthoxylum nitidum Zanthoxylum minahassae Zanthoxylum neocaledonicum Zanthoxylum panamense Zanthoxylum pentandrum Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum Zanthoxylum claessensii Zanthoxylum lemairei Zanthoxylum leprieurii Zanthoxylum limoncello Zanthoxylum martinicense Zanthoxylum heitzii Zanthoxylum heterophyllum Zanthoxylum albiflorum Zanthoxylum bifoliolatum Zanthoxylum atchoum Zanthoxylum schreberi Zanthoxylum mezoneurispinosum Zanthoxylum bonifaziae Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Zanthoxylum scandens Zanthoxylum tomentellum Zanthoxylum tingoassuiba Zanthoxylum anison Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Zanthoxylum coriaceum Zanthoxylum dipetalum Zanthoxylum oahuense Zanthoxylum punctatum Zanthoxylum sprucei Zanthoxylum albuquerquei Zanthoxylum quassiifolium Zanthoxylum coco Zanthoxylum holtzianum Zanthoxylum gardneri Zanthoxylum trijugum Zanthoxylum deremense Zanthoxylum hartii Zanthoxylum spinosum Zanthoxylum verrucosum Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Zanthoxylum molle Zanthoxylum esquirolii Zanthoxylum acanthopodium Zanthoxylum culantrillo Zanthoxylum mantaro Zanthoxylum subspicatum Zanthoxylum mananarense Zanthoxylum thouvenotii Zanthoxylum madagascariense Zanthoxylum tsihanimposa Zanthoxylum hawaiiense Zanthoxylum kauaense Zanthoxylum eliasii Zanthoxylum capense Zanthoxylum davyi Zanthoxylum humile Zanthoxylum thorncroftii Zanthoxylum rigidum Zanthoxylum petenense Zanthoxylum usambarense Zanthoxylum lindense Zanthoxylum paracanthum Zanthoxylum nigrum Zanthoxylum comosum Zanthoxylum nebuletorum Zanthoxylum dimorphophyllum Zanthoxylum pilosulum Zanthoxylum piasezkii Zanthoxylum undulatifolium Zanthoxylum multijugum Zanthoxylum harrisii Zanthoxylum micranthum Zanthoxylum stenophyllum Zanthoxylum echinocarpum Zanthoxylum avicennae Zanthoxylum integrifolium Zanthoxylum calcicola Zanthoxylum rhombifoliolatum Zanthoxylum formiciferum Zanthoxylum lepidopteriphilum Zanthoxylum monogynum Zanthoxylum tambopatense Zanthoxylum lenticellosum Zanthoxylum pimpinelloides Zanthoxylum venosum Zanthoxylum taediosum Zanthoxylum phyllopterum Zanthoxylum hamadryadicum Zanthoxylum kleinii Zanthoxylum stelligerum Zanthoxylum caudata Zanthoxylum djalma-batistae Zanthoxylum nashii Zanthoxylum nemorale Zanthoxylum paulae Zanthoxylum retusum Zanthoxylum anadenium Zanthoxylum laetum Zanthoxylum khasianum Zanthoxylum yuanjiangense Zanthoxylum collinsiae Zanthoxylum falcifolia Zanthoxylum sicyoides Zanthoxylum vitiense Zanthoxylum mollissimum Zanthoxylum yuanjiangensis Zanthoxylum buesgenii Zanthoxylum collinsae Zanthoxylum lenticulare Zanthoxylum pteracanthum Zanthoxylum austrosinense Zanthoxylum dissitum Zanthoxylum arborescens Zanthoxylum gentryi Zanthoxylum brisasanum Zanthoxylum rhodoxylon Zanthoxylum tetraphyllum Zanthoxylum schreberi Zanthoxylum megistophyllum Zanthoxylum glomeratum Zanthoxylum liboense Zanthoxylum myriacanthum Zanthoxylum motuoense Zanthoxylum stipitatum Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Zanthoxylum piperitum Zanthoxylum unifoliolatum Zanthoxylum furcyensis Zanthoxylum xichouense Zanthoxylum melanostictum Zanthoxylum viride Zanthoxylum dinklagei Zanthoxylum finlaysonianum Zanthoxylum ciliatum Zanthoxylum grandifolium Zanthoxylum anthyllidifolium Zanthoxylum macranthum Zanthoxylum kwangsiense Zanthoxylum haitiense Zanthoxylum domingense Zanthoxylum jamaicense Zanthoxylum bissei Zanthoxylum dumosum Zanthoxylum wutaiense Zanthoxylum thomense Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Zanthoxylum novoguineense Zanthoxylum pancheri Zanthoxylum pseudoxyphyllum Zanthoxylum poggei Zanthoxylum celebicum Zanthoxylum retroflexum Zanthoxylum schlechteri Zanthoxylum tidorense Zanthoxylum timoriense Zanthoxylum tahitense Zanthoxylum vinkii Zanthoxylum andamanicum Zanthoxylum amamiense Zanthoxylum gilletii Zanthoxylum le-ratii Zanthoxylum americanum Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Zanthoxylum chalybeum Zanthoxylum caribaeum