Zygophyllum L.

Beancaper (en), Zygophylle (fr)


Angiosperms > Zygophyllales > Zygophyllaceae


Herbs or subshrubs [shrubs], perennial. Stems ± erect, highly branched, terete, less than 1 m, fleshy [becoming woody basally], glabrous [hairy]. Leaves opposite, 2-foliolate [even-pinnately compound or simple]; stipules deciduous [persistent], ± herbaceous [membranaceous], triangular, apex acute; petiolules absent; leaflets 2[–10], opposite, distinct, obovate, flat [terete], equal, base oblique, apex rounded [acute or obtuse], fleshy, surfaces glabrous [hairy]. Pedicels in leaf axils, reflexed downward [erect]. Flowers 1–2, slightly irregular by twisting of petals [regular]; sepals deciduous or persistent, [4–]5, distinct, green, often unequal, margins often membranous, apex rounded [obtuse to acute], glabrous; petals deciduous, [0 or 4–]5, imbricate, ± erect, slightly twisted [not twisted to twisted], white or yellow [orange], base red-orange [same as rest of petal], obovate, base clawed, apex rounded; nectary annular; stamens [8–]10, ± equal; filaments free, subulate, each with basal scale; anthers ovate; ovary sessile, [3–]5-lobed, [3–]5-locular, glabrous; ovules [2–]10 per locule; style persistent, not forming beak on fruit; stigma minute. Fruits capsules, oblong-cylindric [to globose], [4–]5-angled [or winged], septicidally dehiscent [indehiscent]. Seeds [1–]10 per locule, gray-brown, obovoid [ovoid].
Annual or perennial glabrous herbs, often small, sometimes scandent on other vegetation, rarely becoming shrubs with a woody base. Leaves opposite, usually 2-foliolate on common petiole, rarely sessile or simple, often succulent; petiole flattened or terete; leaflets articulated or continuous with petiole, stipellate. Flowers single, rarely paired at each node, bisexual. Pedicel usually erect in flower, deflexed in fruit. Sepals 4 or 5, often persistent and downturned in fruit. Petals 4 or 5, rarely 3, quickly caducous, longer than or shorter than sepals, usually yellow fading to white, rarely orange or white, without other markings. Stamens usually 8 or 10, rarely 4 or 6; filaments subulate or winged at base. Nectariferous disc 3–5-lobed; lobes sinuate or if free, then oblong or semicircular with papillose margin or apex. Ovary (3–) 4-or 5-angled, (3–) 4-or 5-celled; ovules 2–6 per cell. Fruit usually pendent, rarely erect, 4-or 5-angled loculicidal capsule or indehiscent and 3-or 4-winged, breaking into dorsally winged cocci or remaining fused together. Seeds 1–5 per cell, smooth or verrucose, mucilaginous when wet.
Shrubs or shrublets, rarely annual herbs. Leaves paired at each node, equal in size, paripinnate or rarely with 1 leaflet or simple; stipules membranous or fleshy. Flowers solitary or in cymose clusters at each node, 4-5-merous, regular. Petals white, yellow or orange, clawed. Stamens 8-10 in 2 whorls; filaments with entire, bifid or bipartite basal scale. Ovary glabrous or covered with short hairs, 5-lobed, 5-locular; ovules few-numerous in each locule; style and stigma simple. Fruit a loculicidal or septicidal capsule. Seed with endosperm.
Shrubs, perennial herbs, or rarely annuals. Leaves opposite, even-pinnate or rarely simple; petiole herbaceous or membranous; leaflet blades plane or sticklike, fleshy. Flowers axillary, solitary or paired. Sepals 4 or 5, sometimes caducous. Petals as many as sepals, orangish red, white, or yellow, sometimes with an orange claw or pale along margin, rarely apetalous. Stamens 8-10, abaxially with scale-form appendages. Ovary 3-5-locular. Capsule winged or not, dehiscent or indehiscent, with 1 to several seeds per carpel.
Stamens 8–10, inserted at the base of the disk; filaments subulate, provided with a usually fimbriate or pectinate, bifid or bipartite appendage at the base; anthers oblong or oblong-ovate.
Leaves opposite, (1) 2-foliolate, succulent, often caducous; leaflets very variable in size and shape, subcircular, spathulate, elliptic, linear, lanceolate or lanceolate-elliptic.
Petals 4–5, sometimes unguiculate, usually longer than the sepals, imbricate, whitish or yellow and often with a red spot at the base, spreading.
Ovary sessile on the disk, 4–5-locular, with 2 or more pendulous ovules in each loculus; style simple, terete, with a small stigma.
Sepals 4–5, imbricate, persistent or deciduous, sometimes connate at the base, somewhat fleshy.
Fruit a capsule or samara, 4–5-locular, 4–5-angled or winged, usually with several seeds.
Small shrubs or shrublets, rarely perennial or annual herbs, often armed.
Flowers solitary or sometimes 2-nate, terminal.
Seeds crustaceous, with scanty endosperm.
Disk cup-shaped, fleshy, 8–10-angled.
Stipules present, often spiny.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer present
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Zygophyllum unspecified picture
Zygophyllum unspecified picture


Zygophyllum world distribution map, present in Australia, China, United States of America, and South Africa


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:41749-1
WFO ID wfo-4000041345
BDTFX ID 87493
INPN ID 199173
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Halimiphyllum Sarcozygium Agophyllum Augea Fagonia Piotes Tetraena Zygophyllum xanthoxylon var. ferganense Zygophyllum xanthoxylon subsp. ferganense Zygophyllum

Lower taxons

Zygophyllum betpakdalense Zygophyllum cuspidatum Zygophyllum eichwaldii Zygophyllum dumosum Zygophyllum fontanesii Zygophyllum heterocladum Zygophyllum furcatum Zygophyllum pterocaule Zygophyllum qatarense Zygophyllum turcomanicum Zygophyllum smithii Zygophyllum ovigerum Zygophyllum miniatum Zygophyllum neglectum Zygophyllum borissovae Zygophyllum chrysopteron Zygophyllum retrofractum Zygophyllum prismaticum Zygophyllum trialatum Zygophyllum simplex Zygophyllum subtrijugum Zygophyllum mandavillei Zygophyllum melongena Zygophyllum karatavicum Zygophyllum kegense Zygophyllum kopalense Zygophyllum lehmannianum Zygophyllum pamiricum Zygophyllum cornutum Zygophyllum aegyptium Zygophyllum propinquum Zygophyllum rigidum Zygophyllum somalense Zygophyllum longistipulatum Zygophyllum microcarpum Zygophyllum migiurtinorum Zygophyllum madecassum Zygophyllum depauperatum Zygophyllum clavatum Zygophyllum dregeanum Zygophyllum giessii Zygophyllum gilfillani Zygophyllum longicapsulare Zygophyllum meyeri Zygophyllum prismatocarpum Zygophyllum procumbens Zygophyllum tenue Zygophyllum bucharicum Zygophyllum jaxarticum Zygophyllum macrophyllum Zygophyllum macropodum Zygophyllum obliquum Zygophyllum oxianum Zygophyllum kansuense Zygophyllum sinkiangense Zygophyllum cylindrifolium Zygophyllum decumbens Zygophyllum sulcatum Zygophyllum uitenhagense Zygophyllum brachypterum Zygophyllum darvasicum Zygophyllum fabagoides Zygophyllum iliense Zygophyllum kaschgaricum Zygophyllum oxycarpum Zygophyllum pinnatum Zygophyllum potaninii Zygophyllum pterocarpum Zygophyllum rosowii Zygophyllum taldykurganicum Zygophyllum xanthoxylon Zygophyllum gobicum Zygophyllum loczyi Zygophyllum mucronatum Zygophyllum hamiense Zygophyllum album Zygophyllum californicum Zygophyllum laeve Zygophyllum subinerme Zygophyllum palmeri Zygophyllum bruguieri Zygophyllum charoides Zygophyllum arabicum Zygophyllum indicum Zygophyllum mahranum Zygophyllum orientale Zygophyllum harpago Zygophyllum minutistipulum Zygophyllum augea Zygophyllum olivieri Zygophyllum glutinosum Zygophyllum densispinum Zygophyllum densum Zygophyllum paulayanum Zygophyllum gypsophilum Zygophyllum mayanum Zygophyllum spinosissimum Zygophyllum villosum Zygophyllum lahovarii Zygophyllum mongolicum Zygophyllum creticum Zygophyllum scabrum Zygophyllum pachyacanthum Zygophyllum acerosum Zygophyllum luntii Zygophyllum hadramauticum Zygophyllum zilloides Zygophyllum chilense Zygophyllum latistipulatum Zygophyllum molle Zygophyllum geslinii Zygophyllum gaetulum Zygophyllum coccineum Zygophyllum stapffii Zygophyllum steropterum Zygophyllum madagascariense Zygophyllum scoparium Zygophyllum balchaschense Zygophyllum applanatum Zygophyllum atriplicoides Zygophyllum fabago