Araujia sericifera Brot.

White bladderflower (en), Araujia (fr), Araujie à soies (fr)


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Apocynaceae > Araujia


Vigorous liane with twining puberulent stems. Petioles to c. 4 cm long, densely puberulent or whitish tomentulose. Lamina 2.7-12 × 1.5-6 cm, ovate-oblong or oblong, dark green and becoming glabrous above except for midrib, glaucous-white tomentulose beneath; base deeply cordate with acute sinus, or truncate on flowering shoots; apex rounded and mucronate. Fls usually 2-4. Peduncles and pedicels to c. 1.5 cm long, tomentulose. Bracts usually < longer pedicels, linear or linear-oblong. Calyx 8-15 mm long; segments ovate, imbricate, tomentulose. Corolla (1.7)-2-2.5 × 1.5-2 cm, deeply campanulate, white, sometimes strongly streaked with pinkish mauve inside. Gynostegium 1/2-⅔ length of corolla tube. Follicle to 10-(12) × 7 cm, oblong-ovoid or ovoid, green, thick and leathery, minutely tomentulose, with carpel groove down inner face. Seeds 7-8 mm long, oblong-spathulate, dark brown, tuberculate; silken apical tuft 3-5 cm long.
Perennial, herbaceous, twining climber, (1-)5-10 m long; basal stems woody; latex caustic. Leaves oblong, 30-100 x (8-)10-34 mm, base truncate, apex acute, tip mucronate, concolorous; petioles 8-16 mm long. Inflorescences: axillary racemes, 2-4(-8)-flowered, clustered; peduncle 9.5-15.0 mm long. Flowers 18-30 x 10-20 mm, white or cream-coloured, tinted pink; fragrant. Sepals large, leaf-like. Corolla: tube campanulate, 8-14 mm long, mouth slightly constricted; lobes 10-20 x 5-8 mm. Corona solid, triangular-ovate, ± 3 mm high, ± 1.5 mm wide, apex obtuse. Style-stigma-head with apex bilobed. Flowering time Sept.-Jan. Fruit solitary, pendent, ovoid, 80-120 x 40-50 mm, surface leathery. Seeds up to 400.
Leaves with lamina lanceolate-ovate, to 8 cm long, to 6 cm wide, truncate at base, acute to shortly acuminate, markedly discolorous; secondary veins 12 or 13 on each side of midrib; colleters 2. Inflorescence of 2–4 fascicles. Flowers 1.8–2 cm long, 2.4–2.5 cm diam.; pedicels 6–13 mm long. Corolla cream or slightly pinkish; tube inflated at base, 14–15 mm long, 7–9 mm diam.; lobes lanceolate, 10–12 mm long, 7–8 mm wide. Staminal corona c. 4 mm long, cream; lobes oblong-rectangular, c. 3 mm long, c. 1.5 mm wide. Follicles 7.5–10 cm long, 3–4 cm wide.
A climbing plant. The stems are twining. The leaves are opposite and grey-green. They are sword shaped with a wavy edge. They are 5-12 cm long by 5-6 cm wide. They are green above and grey-green and hairy underneath. The flowers are bell shaped. They are white or pale pink and 30 mm long. They are in clusters. The fruit are pear shaped. The stalk is at the larger end. The fruit are 6-15 cm long by 3.5-8 cm wide. There are many seeds. The seeds are egg shaped and dark coloured. They have silky hairs attached.
Subwoody climber. Leaves petiolate; blade ovate, up to 50 x 30 mm, base truncate, apex acuminate; upper surface dark green and glabrous above, lower surface paler with a short, dense, whitish pubescence. Flowers: in axillary cymes or solitary; corolla tubular with spreading segments, cream-coloured; Nov.-Apr. Fruit a large spongy capsule, up to 120 mm long; dehiscing down one side.
Subwoody climber. Leaves ovate; base truncate, apex acuminate; lower surface white with short dense pubescence. Fruit large spongy capsule, up to 120 mm long; dehiscing down one side. Flowers cream.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support climber
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 4.0 - 8.0
Mature height (meter) 9.0 - 10.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a subtropical plant. It suits low rainfall areas. It needs a well drained soil. They cannot tolerate frost. In Argentina it grows from sea level to 1,300 m above sea level. It suits hardiness zones 9-10.
Uncultivated fields. Naturalized along sandy sea shores in S.W. Europe.
Grows in disturbed areas such asroadsides and rainforest margins.
Sandy sea shores in S.W. Europe.
Light 4-9
Soil humidity 3-7
Soil texture 2-5
Soil acidity 2-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-11


CAUTION The sap is toxic and irritates the skin. The raw peeled root is eaten. The fruit are eaten after roasting.
Uses environmental use fiber medicinal ornamental
Edible fruits pods roots
Therapeutic use Wart (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seed or cuttings.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) 90 - 180
Germination temperacture (C°) 23 - 26
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -7
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Araujia sericifera habit picture by Quiñoy Yago (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera habit picture by Trap Hers (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera habit picture by Jérôme Torregrossa (cc-by-sa)


Araujia sericifera leaf picture by laurent boniface (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera leaf picture by Heber Martinez (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera leaf picture by Mallol Camprubí Albert (cc-by-sa)


Araujia sericifera flower picture by Sempere Silvia (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera flower picture by Sempere Silvia (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera flower picture by laurent boniface (cc-by-sa)


Araujia sericifera fruit picture by Szotkowski Věra (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera fruit picture by carlomagno guido (cc-by-sa)
Araujia sericifera fruit picture by Roland Hollier (cc-by-sa)


Araujia sericifera world distribution map, present in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Spain, France, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Lesotho, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Paraguay, Uruguay, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000543088
INPN ID 83469
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Araujia sericifera f. hortorum Physianthus albens Apocynum volubile Araujia albens Araujia calycina Araujia hortorum Araujia undulata Araujia sericifera f. calycina Araujia sericifera var. hortorum Araujia sericifera f. hortorum Araujia sericifera