Lianas. Leaves opposite, (rarely ternate elsewhere), simple, entire, petiolate, coriaceous to membranaceous, commonly glandular along the margin or at the base; stipules interpetiolar, minute, caducous. Inflorescences of umbels, corymbs or rarely racemes arranged in bracteate or leafy, axillary or terminal panicles. Flowers pink, yellow or white; sepals 5, usually ovate, the petals 5, clawed, glabrous or sericeous outside, the limb orbicular or obovate, entire or fimbriate, frequently unequal, the anterior petal being more deeply fimbriate or of different size; stamens 10, frequently unequal, the 3 posterior stamens and the 2 epipetal-ous (lateral) stamens reduced in size, the anterior stamen sometimes much en-larged, the filaments frequently united at the base, the anthers glabrous or pilose (not Panama), the connective thick, glandular; styles generally equal, truncate or capitate, uniformly stigmatic, the ovary trilobate, gibbose, hirsute. Fruit a schi-zocarp of 3 samaras, these with a single dorsal wing, with a thickened ventral margin and a thin dorsal margin, lateral wings absent or poorly developed, the body smooth or with minute wings, tubercles or transverse ridges; embryo curved.