Rhizome shortly creeping, up to 10 cm. or more long, 1-3 mm. diam., densely clad in dark brown ovate-to subulate-attenuate paleae up to 1 cm. long; stipites distributed. Stipes stout, blackish, 7-25 cm. long, paleate towards base. Rhachis or costa stout, ± sinuate, smooth. Sterile laminae of diverse forms on the same plant, coriac.; dark green above, paler below; costa prominent; margins entire, veins rather obscure, veinlets us. forked: (a) simple, narrow-oblong to lanceolate, 15-30-(45) cm. long, acuminate, sts irregularly lobed at base: (b) irregularly pinnatifid or pinnatisect, well up to 15 or more segs, broadly ovate, 30-50-(100) × 15-30 cm. Lower segs about oblong, abruptly acuminate, 10-20 × 3 cm., widely decurrent at base. Terminal pinna up to 20 × 5 cm. Fertile lamina up to 40 × 30 cm.; pinnae rather distant, decurrent, stout, linear, spreading, up to 25 cm. long. Sori covering all but costa.