Lianas to small scrambling shrubs or herbaceous vines, mostly perennial, glabrous to pubescent. Leaves entire, lanceolate to ovate. Inflorescences of solitary flowers or few-flowered dichasia or panicles; the bracts small. Flowers with the sepals obtuse to acute, subequal, the outer ones larger and suborbicular; corolla campanulate or funnelform, the limb plicate, the interplicae ferrugineous; stamens included, the filaments filiform, mostly triangular-dilate and glandular-pubescent at the base, the anthers oval or oblong, the pollen 3-colpate; ovary 2-locular, 4-ovulate, the style filiform, bifid to almost entire, or the styles 2 and free, the stigmas capitate, subglobose. Fruits capsular, 4-valvate, pericarp membranaceous to coriaceous; seeds 4 or fewer by abortion, glabrous or pu-bescent.
Shrubby climbers, rarely erect subshrubs. Flowers in dense, usually many-flowered, axillary or terminal cymes or panicles. Sepals 5, equal or subequal, not accrescent. Corolla medium or small, funnel-shaped, often hairy outside, sometimes deeply lobed; lobes induplicate-valvate. Stamens and styles included or stamens shortly exserted; filaments often dilated and hairy below. Ovary 2-locular, 4-ovuled, glabrous or hairy at the apex; styles with two unequal branches or two styles nearly or quite free; stigmas globose. Capsule subglobose, 2-locular, 4-valved and 2–4-seeded.
Ovary 2-locular, 4-ovuled, glabrous or hairy at apex; style bifid often with two unequal branches or two styles nearly or quite free; stigmas 2 globose or peltate; disk small or absent.
Stamens 5, included or slightly exserted; filaments oftend dilated and hairy below or glabrous; anthers oblong, cordate or sagittate at the base; pollen smooth.
Corolla funnel-shaped, medium or small sized, blue or white, 5-lobed, with midpetaline bands hairy outside; lobes induplicate-valvate.
Sepals 5, equal or subequal, rarely very unequal, circular to lanceolate, herbaceous or coriaceous, never membranous, not accrescent.
Flowers in dense, usually many-flowered, axillary or terminal cymes or panicles; Bracteoles usually small.
Leaves herbaceous or occasionally sub-coriaceous, entire, lanceolate, ovate or elliptic.
Capsule subglobose, bilocular, 4-valved, 4–2-seeded.
Shrubby climbers, rarely erect subshrubs.