Inflorescence 4–6-flowered with 2 opposite flowers initially appearing at apex of stem, growth of axis continues before appearance of further pair of flowers giving rise to internodes c. 4.5 cm. long.
Leaves: cauline 8–20 x 0.4–1 mm., minutely hispid-scabrid on both surfaces; basal leaves 8–14 x 3.5–5 mm., elliptic to oblong-elliptic, hispid-scabrid, 3-nerved.
Calyx c. 6.25 mm. long in flower, becoming 9.5 mm. long in fruit, 5-lobed, prominently 10-nerved, shortly hispid on nerves only; lobes broadly deltate, 1 x 1 mm.
Bracts 1.75–2.5 x 1-1.25 mm., ovate-lanceolate, glabrous but shortly hispid on main nerve and margin.
Annual herb, 10–25 cm. tall; stems slender, erect, sparsely short white, appressed pilose.
Bracteoles 2.5 x 0.6 mm., linear, shortly hispid.
Capsule c. 5 x 2 mm., oblong in outline.