Buchnera L.


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Orobanchaceae


Annual or perennial herbs, mostly drying black, perhaps parasitic; stems sparingly branched, mostly wiry, slightly compressed or terete, mostly pubescent, often strigose, the hairs often stout based. Leaves narrow, the basal leaves opposite, sometimes small and broad, the cauline leaves often alternate, entire or remotely denticulate, pointed at both ends, (1-)3-5-nerved; petiole mostly obsolete. Inflorescences terminal spikes, the flowers subsessile, subtended by scalelike foliaceous bracts and by 2 ovate, usually ciliate bracts, the outermost usually larger. Flowers with the calyx tubular, sometimes broader above, 5-lobate, the lobes equal or conspicuously unequal, the tube 10-nerved, enervate between or conspicuously nervate between the major nerves, slightly accrescent in fruit; corolla salverform, the tube exserted, glabrous or pubescent outside, the limb with 5 subequal rotund lobes, the throat densely tufted with stout, monili-form hairs, the tube mostly pubescent below and pubescent with simple or few celled hairs below the point of stamen insertion; stamens 4, inserted in the bottom 1/2 of the tube, didynamous, the anthers ovoid or ovate, pointed apically, versatile, situated about 2/3 way up the tube; ovary ovoid, glabrous, the style simple, the stigma a linear extension of the style, perhaps inconspicuously 2-lobed, included. Capsule enveloped by the indurate fruiting calyx, sometimes slightly exserted, splitting loculicidally to the base into 2 elliptical valves, the dissepiment remaining with the valves as broad median ridges, the placenta narrowly cylindrical; seeds numerous, oblong, slightly angled, longitudinally ridged.
Cal regular, tubular, shortly 5-lobed; cor salverform, nearly regular, the slender tube villous within, the 5 lobes widely spreading, subequal, oblong, rounded or emarginate; stamens 4, half as long as the cor-tube; anthers glabrous, monothecal, the pollen-sacs confluent; stigma clavate; fr ovoid-oblong, usually gibbous at base, loculicidal; hemiparasitic perennial herbs with sessile opposite lvs, the upper progressively reduced, the uppermost subtending solitary sessile fls, forming a terminal spike. 100, mainly Old World tropics.
Corolla tubular; tube cylindric, slightly longer to 2–3 rimes longer than calyx, straight, slightly curved to arcuate, externally glabrous to variously sof tly pilose-pubescent; limb subequally 5-lobed, spreading; lobes obovate to subcircular to oblong, entire or emarginate; throat densely pilose or not.
Leaves alternate, subopposite to opposite on stem, rosulate below, simple, sessile to shortly petiolate, filiform to lanceolate, elliptic or ovate-spathulate, apex acute or obtuse, entire to irregularly and coarsely dentate, 1–5-nerved; lower usually broader with upper narrower and passing into bracts.
Inflorescence terminal, spicate or with flowers in terminal or axillary globose or subglobose clusters, or flowers solitary-axillary; spikes compact to lax; flowers subtended by one bract and usually two bracteoles, blue to violet or purple, rose to scarlet, yellow to white.
Annual or perennial, of ten hemi-parasitic, herbs, usually scabrid and rigid, usually becoming black upon drying; stems erect, ascending or prostrate, simple or branched from the base or below the inflorescence, glabrous to hispid-scabrid of ten with callus-based hairs.
Calyx tubular, 10 (rarely 7 or 8)-nerved or ribbed, sometimes obscurely so, 4–5-dentate, glabrous, pilose, hispid-scabrid or glandular; teeth short-deltoid to lanceolate-acuminate, erect, spreading or reflexed.
Capsule ovoid, oblate to cylindric, shorter or longer than calyx, loculicidal.
Stamens 4, included, slightly didynamous; anthers monothecous, dorsifixed.
Ovules numerous in each locule.
Style apex clavate, entire.
Stigma narrowly cylindric.
Seeds numerous.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-10


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Buchnera unspecified picture


Buchnera world distribution map, present in Panama and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:330778-2
WFO ID wfo-4000005664
BDTFX ID 100508
INPN ID 628001
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Stellularia Buchnera

Lower taxons

Buchnera disticha Buchnera albiflora Buchnera amethystina Buchnera andongensis Buchnera androsacea Buchnera buchneroides Buchnera bukamensis Buchnera cambodiana Buchnera chimanimaniensis Buchnera cryptocephala Buchnera descampsii Buchnera dilungensis Buchnera dundensis Buchnera dura Buchnera ebracteolata Buchnera geminiflora Buchnera longifolia Buchnera longispicata Buchnera multicaulis Buchnera namuliensis Buchnera nervosa Buchnera nigricans Buchnera nitida Buchnera nuttii Buchnera nyassica Buchnera obliqua Buchnera prorepens Buchnera pulcherrima Buchnera reissiana Buchnera remotiflora Buchnera rosea Buchnera rubriflora Buchnera rungwensis Buchnera ruwenzoriensis Buchnera saigonensis Buchnera scabridula Buchnera urticifolia Buchnera vandenberghenii Buchnera verdickii Buchnera virgata Buchnera weberbaueri Buchnera arenicola Buchnera attenuata Buchnera bangweolensis Buchnera baumii Buchnera benthamiana Buchnera bowalensis Buchnera candida Buchnera chisumpae Buchnera ciliata Buchnera congoensis Buchnera convallicola Buchnera cruciata Buchnera ensifolia Buchnera exserta Buchnera flexuosa Buchnera foliosa Buchnera garuensis Buchnera gossweileri Buchnera gracilis Buchnera granitica Buchnera henriquesii Buchnera hispida Buchnera hockii Buchnera humilis Buchnera humpatensis Buchnera inflata Buchnera jacoborum Buchnera juncea Buchnera kassneri Buchnera keilii Buchnera kingaensis Buchnera lastii Buchnera lavandulacea Buchnera laxiflora Buchnera ledermannii Buchnera leptostachya Buchnera libenii Buchnera linearis Buchnera lippioides Buchnera lisowskiana Buchnera lundensis Buchnera metallorum Buchnera minutiflora Buchnera orgyalis Buchnera pallescens Buchnera paucidentata Buchnera peduncularis Buchnera philcoxii Buchnera poggei Buchnera pusilliflora Buchnera quadrifaria Buchnera quangensis Buchnera ramosissima Buchnera randii Buchnera rariflora Buchnera reducta Buchnera schliebenii Buchnera simplex Buchnera speciosa Buchnera splendens Buchnera spruceana Buchnera stachytarphetoides Buchnera strictissima Buchnera subcapitata Buchnera subglabra Buchnera symoensiana Buchnera tenella Buchnera tenuifolia Buchnera tenuissima Buchnera ternifolia Buchnera tetragona Buchnera tetrasticha Buchnera timorensis Buchnera tomentosa Buchnera trilobata Buchnera welwitschii Buchnera wildii Buchnera palustris Buchnera americana Buchnera decandollei Buchnera capitata Buchnera lithospermoides Buchnera schultesii Buchnera tacianae Buchnera carajasensis Buchnera pusilla Buchnera bampsiana Buchnera bequaertii Buchnera bragaana Buchnera ciliolata Buchnera erinoides Buchnera filicaulis Buchnera usuiensis Buchnera verbenoides Buchnera retrorsa Buchnera robynsii Buchnera affinis Buchnera angustissima