Annual herb, 16–36 cm. tall, erect; stems one to many arising from a rootstock, usually simple but occasionally branched below inflorescence, retrorsely, minutely pubescent with large, patent, multicellular hairs more or less densely present.
Leaves opposite, (9) 12–32 x 1.5–4(6) mm., narrowly elliptic-ovate, obtuse, obscurely 1-3-nerved, glabrous to subglabrous above, densely pilose beneath, especially on major nerves, ciliate; basal leaves where present, similar but broader.
Bracts 8–12.5 x 2.5–4 mm., lanceolate, imbricate, glabrous or subglabrous above, fairly long pilose beneath.
Spikes 15–40 x 5–10(12) mm., compact or with lowest flowers lax or somewhat remote at anthesis.
Bracteoles 4.5–6.5 x 0.75(1.25) mm., long ciliate, linear-lanceolate.