Shrubs or small trees, usually unarmed. Leaves bipinnate, eglandular; stipules often persistent, or sometimes spinescent, rarely absent; pinnae 1 to several pairs; leaflets opposite, small and numerous, or larger and from few pairs to only 1. Heads globose and axillary, or racemes terminal. Flowers (5 or)6-merous, polygamous. Calyx campanulate, toothed. Petals united to middle; middle flowers sometimes heteromorphic with an elongated tubular corolla. Stamens numerous (to 100), red or white, ± united into a tube and long exserted, showy; anthers mostly glandular hairy. Ovary sessile, ovules numerous; style filiform. Legume slightly falcate, strap-shaped, flat, rigidly leathery, often narrowed to base, margin thickened, 2-valved, valves elastically opening from apex to base, continuous inside. Seeds obovoid or orbicular, compressed, testa hard, with pleurogram, without aril.
Unarmed trees or shrubs. Leaves bipinnate; stipules small, often persistent; main axes eglandular; pinnae and leaflets 1-several-jugate; leaflets opposite. Inflorescence with flowers in axillary heads or umbels or several in terminal racemes or panicles. Flowers 5-or 6-merous; petals and sepals connate. Stamens numerous, united basally, long-exserted, white, pink or red; anthers commonly glandular-pubescent, not gland-tipped. Pod linear to linear-oblanceolate, woody with thickened margins, dehiscing elastically on both sutures from apex and recurved. Seeds with pleurogram.