Stems herbaceous, terete and hollow, di– or trichotomously branched from the leaf–axils; most leaf–axils also producing small, usually rudimentary, accessory shoots.
Ovary inferior; style shorter than the corolla, markedly thickened towards the apex, with short style–lobes.
Flowers solitary in dichasial forks or terminal, large, pendent, (5–) 6 (–7)–merous throughout.
Glabrous terrestrial or epiphytic perennial herbs containing abundant white latex.
Calyx–lobes entire or sometimes dentate, erect, spreading or reflexed.
Corolla funnel–shaped or campanulate with short lobes.
Filament–bases almost linear to broad, shield–like.
Seeds numerous; testa finely pitted or striate.
Leaves opposite or ternate, petiolate.
Fruit baccate, with persistent calyx.
Roots thickened, fleshy.