Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) O.Schwarz

Cutleaf toothwort (en)


Angiosperms > Brassicales > Brassicaceae > Cardamine


Perennials; usually sparsely pubescent, sometimes glabrous. Rhizomes (tuberiform, fragile), moniliform, segments fusiform, 2-10(-20) mm diam. (fleshy). Stems erect, unbranched, (1-)2-4(-5.5) dm, glabrous or pubescent distally. Rhizomal leaves 3-foliolate, (7-) 10-20(-30) cm, leaflets sessile; petiole (4-)7-18(-25) cm; lateral leaflets similar to terminal, blade sometimes smaller; terminal leaflet blade oblong, lanceolate, oblanceolate, or linear, 2.5-6 cm, base cuneate, margins coarsely dentate to incised, laciniate, or 3-lobed (lobes usually toothed to incised, rarely entire, surfaces puberulent or not, trichomes 0.2-0.3 mm). Cauline leaves (2 or) 3, 3-foliolate (usually whorled or opposite, rarely alternate, similar in morphology to rhizomal leaves), petiolate, leaflets petiolulate or subsessile; petiole (1-)1.5-6(-7.5) cm, base not auriculate; lateral leaflets sessile, blade similar to terminal, sometimes smaller; terminal leaflet subsessile or petiolulate (to 3 cm), blade lanceolate, linear, or oblanceolate, (3-)4-10(-12) cm × (3-)5-20 (-25) mm, margins usually coarsely dentate to incised, rarely subentire (margins minutely puberulent). Racemes ebracteate. Fruiting pedicels ascending to divaricate, (6-) 10-27(-33) mm. Flowers: sepals oblong, (4-)5-8 × 2-4 mm, lateral pair slightly saccate basally; petals white to pale pink, oblanceolate, (8-)10-20 × (3-)4-7(-9) mm, (short-clawed, apex rounded); filaments: median pairs 8-12 mm, lateral pair 6-8 mm; anthers oblong-linear, 1.5-2.5 mm. Fruits linear-lanceolate, (2-)2.5-3.8(-4.8) cm × 1.5-3 mm; (valves glabrous or sparsely pubescent); ovules 10-14 per ovary; style (2-)5-9(-12) mm. Seeds brown, oblong, 1.6-3 × 1.8-2 mm. 2n = 128-256.
Rhizome constricted at intervals, the segments 2–3 cm; stems 2–4 dm, shortly spreading-hairy above; basal and cauline lvs similar, the former usually absent at anthesis, the latter typically in a whorl of 3 above the middle of the stem, deeply 3-parted or 3-foliolate, the segments linear or lanceolate, subentire to laciniate-toothed, the lateral segments often, the terminal segment sometimes deeply bifid, the whole lf appearing 5-parted; sep 5–8 mm; pet pale lavender, 12–19 mm; frs 2–4 cm; 2n=128, 240, 256. Moist rich woods; Me. and s. Que. to Minn., s. to Fla., La., and Okla. Apr., May, a little earlier than nos. 1 [Cardamine diphylla (Michx.) A. W. Wood] and 5. (Dentaria laciniata) [Cardamine angustata O. E. Schulz] Some possible hybrids with no. 5 have been called Dentaria anomala Eames.
A cabbage family herb. The stems are erect and 20-40 cm tall. It has a long rhizome with fleshy segments.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.3
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a temperate plant.
Light 3-6
Soil humidity 5-7
Soil texture 2-4
Soil acidity 3-9
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-7


The peppery root is chopped and added to salads or soups.
Uses medicinal
Edible leaves roots
Therapeutic use Analgesic (root), Heart Medicine (root), Hunting Medicine (root), Love Medicine (root), Cold Remedy (unspecified), Dietary Aid (unspecified), Gastrointestinal Aid (unspecified), Hallucinogen (unspecified), Panacea (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -30
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Cardamine concatenata habit picture by Lily Jones (cc-by-sa)
Cardamine concatenata habit picture by jimseng jimseng (cc-by-sa)


Cardamine concatenata leaf picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)
Cardamine concatenata leaf picture by malot w (cc-by-sa)
Cardamine concatenata leaf picture by Railey (cc-by-sa)


Cardamine concatenata flower picture by ryanshields (cc-by-sa)
Cardamine concatenata flower picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)
Cardamine concatenata flower picture by Maarten Vanhove (cc-by-sa)


Cardamine concatenata world distribution map, present in Canada and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-0000586657
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Cardamine laciniata Dentaria concatenata Dentaria laciniata Cardamine laciniata var. integra Dentaria laciniata var. alterna Dentaria laciniata var. coalescens Dentaria laciniata var. integra Dentaria laciniata var. latifolia Dentaria laciniata var. minor Dentaria laciniata var. opposita Cardamine laciniata f. minor Dentaria laciniata f. albiflora Dentaria laciniata f. hexifolia Cardamine concatenata