Cardamine L.

Bittercress (en), Cardamine (fr)


Angiosperms > Brassicales > Brassicaceae


Annuals, biennials, or perennials; (perennials usually rhizomatous, sometimes tuberiform, stolons present in C. flagellifera, caudex present in C. bellidifolia); not scapose (subscapose in C. bellidifolia); glabrous or pubescent. Stems erect, ascending, decumbent, or prostrate, unbranched or branched. Leaves: cauline, rhizomal, or basal; rhizomal and basal rosulate or not, petiolate, blade margins entire, toothed, or 1-3-pinnatisect, or palmately lobed, sometimes trifoliolate, pinnately, palmately, or bipinnately compound (leaflets petiolulate, subsessile, or sessile); cauline (usually alternate, rarely opposite or whorled) petiolate or sessile, blade (base cuneate, attenuate, or auriculate to sagittate), margins entire, dentate, or variously lobed, (leaflets petiolulate or sessile). Racemes (corymbose or paniculate, bracteate in C. pattersonii), elongated in fruit. Fruiting pedicels erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed, slender or stout. Flowers: sepals (caducous), usually erect, rarely spreading or ascending, ovate or oblong, lateral pair saccate or not basally, (usually glabrous, rarely pubescent); petals (rarely absent), white, pink, purple, or lilac, obovate, spatulate, or oblanceolate, claw absent or strongly differentiated from blade, (apex obtuse, rounded, emarginate, or subemarginate); stamens (6, rarely 4), equal in length; filaments not dilated basally; anthers ovate, oblong, or linear, (apex obtuse), glabrous [rarely pubescent]; nectar glands confluent, lateral glands annular or semiannular, subtending bases of stamens, median glands present (2, rarely 4) or absent. Fruits siliques, sessile, usually linear, rarely narrowly oblong or narrowly lanceolate, smooth or torulose, latiseptate; valves (papery, elastically dehiscent, becoming spirally or circinately coiled) each not veined, glabrous or, rarely, pubescent; replum strongly flattened; septum complete, (membranous); ovules 4-80 per ovary; style usually distinct, rarely obsolete; stigma capitate. Seeds uniseriate, flattened, usually not winged, rarely margined or winged, oblong, ovoid, or globose; seed coat (smooth, minutely reticulate, colliculate, or rugose) mucilaginous or not when wetted; cotyledons accumbent, rarely incumbent. x = 7, 8.
Herbs annual, biennial, or rhizomatous or tuberous perennial. Trichomes absent or simple. Stems erect or prostrate, leafy or rarely leafless and plant scapose. Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, simple and entire, toothed, or 1-3-pinnatisect, or palmately lobed, sometimes trifoliolate, pinnately, palmately, or bipinnately compound. Cauline leaves alternate, (rarely opposite or whorled), simple or compound as basal leaves, petiolate or sessile and base cuneate, attenuate, auriculate, or sagittate, margin entire, dentate, or variously lobed. Racemes ebracteate or rarely bracteate throughout or only basally, corymbose or in panicles, elongated in fruit. Fruiting pedicels slender or thickened, erect, divaricate, or reflexed. Sepals ovate or oblong, base of lateral pair saccate or not, margin often membranous. Petals white, pink, purple, or violet, never yellow, rarely absent; blade obovate, spatulate, oblong, or oblanceolate, apex obtuse or emarginate; claw absent or strongly differentiated from blade, longer or shorter than sepals. Stamens 6 and tetradynamous, rarely 4 and equal in length; anthers ovate, oblong, or linear, obtuse at apex. Nectar glands confluent and subtending bases of all stamens; median glands 2 or rarely 4 or absent; lateral glands annular or semiannular. Ovules 4-50 per ovary. Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear or rarely narrowly oblong or narrowly lanceolate, latiseptate, sessile; valves papery, not veined, glabrous (or very rarely hairy), smooth or torulose, dehiscing elastically acropetally, spirally or circinately coiled; replum strongly flattened; septum complete, membranous, translucent; style distinct or rarely obsolete; stigma capitate, entire. Seeds uniseriate, wingless, rarely margined or winged, oblong or ovate, flattened; seed coat smooth, minutely reticulate, colliculate, or rugose; mucilaginous or not when wetted; cotyledons accumbent or very rarely incumbent.
Annual, biennial or perennial, small to large herbs, with a taproot and often with creeping or tuberous rhizomes. Hairs often present, simple. Stems erect, ascending, sometimes basally rooting. Racemes mostly terminal, ebracteate, densely to laxly corymbose, with a few to numerous small to medium-sized flowers, in fruit at least basally elongate and lax. Sepals not saccate, not spreading; margins hyaline. Petals white, cream, violet or purple, spathulate to clawed, sometimes lacking. Stamens 6-4, rarely fewer; filaments linear to subulate. Nectaries horseshoe-shaped or a close ring-shaped tissue around the lateral stamen and usually as a conical gland outside each median pair of stamens. Ovary cylindrical, usually with a short narrower style; stigma flat; ovules 4-40. Fruit a siliqua, dehiscent, linear, straight, tapered towards the narrow style; stigma flat; fruit disrupting explosively by the valves coiling from the base upwards; replum swollen; valves without prominent nerves. Seeds uniseriate, flattened, usually broadly elliptic to oblong, minutely rugose to colliculate, not mucilaginous.
Annual, biennial or perennial small to large herbs, with a taproot and often with creeping or tuberous rhizomes. Hairs often present, unicellular, simple. Stems erect, ascending, sometimes basally rooting. Racemes mostly terminal, ebracteate, densely to laxly corymbose, with a few-numerous small to medium-sized flowers, in fruit at least basally elongate and lax. Sepals not saccate, not spreading, margins hyaline. Petals white, cream, violet or purple, spathulate to clawed, sometimes lacking. Stamens 6–4, rarely fewer; filaments linear to subulate. Nectaries horseshoe-shaped or a closed ring-shaped tissue around the lateral stamens and usually as a conical gland outside each median pair of stamens. Ovary cylindrical, usually with a short narrower style; stigma flat; ovules 4–40. Fruit a siliqua, dehiscent, linear, straight, tapered towards the narrow style, disrupting explosively by the valves coiling from the base upwards; replum swollen; valves without prominent nerves. Seeds uniseriate, flattened, usually broadly elliptic to oblong, minutely rugose to colliculate, not mucilaginous.
Annual to perennial rhizomatous or taprooted herbs. Hairs simple or 0. Stems ascending to erect, sparsely leafy. Lvs simple and entire to pinnatifid or pinnate; lobes entire or bluntly to sharply lobed or toothed. Racemes ebracteate, sometimes contracted to a loose umbel or corymb, sometimes whole infl. sessile. Sepals erecto-patent, the inner slightly saccate. Petals white, rarely pink or mauve, or 0. Stamens (4)-6. Lateral nectaries 2, in a circle or semicircle around single stamens; median nectaries 2, variously shaped, outside paired stamens. Style long or short; stigma capitate or 2-lobed. Silique linear, dehiscent; valves veinless or with a weak median vein, flat, coiling suddenly and tightly from base at dehiscence, glabrous or hairy; beak 0. Seeds ellipsoid, not or barely winged, in 1 row per locule.
Sep erect, obtuse; pet white to pink or purple, or rarely none; stamens in some spp. fewer than 6; short stamens subtended by a semicircular gland; anthers oblong; ovary cylindric, gradually tapering to the short, slender style; stigma truncate or nearly so; fr linear, terete or quadrangular, straight, many-seeded, tipped with the persistent style, which in the Dentaria group commonly forms an evident, slender beak 6–8 mm; persistent frame of the replum relatively broad or slightly wing-margined; seeds in a single row in each locule, flattened, wingless; annual to perennial herbs with simple to pinnately or palmately compound or trifid (even biternate) lvs; pubescence none or of simple hairs. 200, cosmop. (Dentaria)
Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves variable in dissection and size, usually less than 10 cm long. Inflorescence usually many-flowered racemes. Sepals equal or nearly so. Petals clawed, white or pink. Stamens 4 or 6. Nectariferous glands in half-ring around shorter stamens and variously shaped outside longer, median stamens. Stigma entire or slightly bilobed. Siliqua dehiscent, the valves released suddenly from the base upwards, ejecting the seeds; valves flat, without conspicuous veins; replum margin flanged. Seeds in 1 row per locule. Radicle accumbent.
Perennial or less frequently annual herbs, pubescent with simple trichomes or glabrous; stems leafy, the leaves petiolate and usually pinnately compound; in-florescence racemose, ebracteate or the lower flowers bracteate; petals spatulate to obovate, white to pink; siliques linear, compressed parallel to the replum, dehiscent by linear, often elastic, valves, tapering at apex to a cylindrical style; stigma usually 2-lobed; seeds emarginate or rarely very narrowly winged.
Sepals erect with spreading tips; petals clawed. Stamens 6, or rarely fewer; stigmas simple or 2-lobed, subsessile; siliques linear, straight; ovules us. ∞, in one series, flattened; cots accumbent. Annual or perennial herbs, glab. or pubescent; lvs simple to compound. About 120 spp., mainly of temperate regions. C. subcarnosa is reported from Macquarie Id; C. corymbosa occurs there and is reported from Fuegia. The other N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Silique laterally compressed, often opening explosively, the valves coiling spirally from the base.
Flowers white or purple in terminal, subumbellate racemes.
Seeds 1-seriate, smooth or finely tuberculate.
Leaves simple, trifoliolate or pinnate.
Inner sepals not or scarcely saccate.
Petals 4, occasionally absent.
Annual or perennial herbs.
Cotyledons accumbent.
Stamens 6 (4).
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system creeping-root rhizome tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Most species grow in moist places, many in or along running water, in marshes, etc. Quite a few form undergrowth in rather dense forests. Very few species are widely spread as weeds, though many are locally favoured by human interactions (clearings, ditches, etc.).
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cardamine unspecified picture
Cardamine unspecified picture


Cardamine world distribution map, present in Australia, China, New Zealand, and Panama


WFO ID wfo-4000006656
BDTFX ID 86086
INPN ID 190341
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Porphyrocodon Dentaria Pteroneurum Cardamine

Lower taxons

Cardamine scutata Cardamine holmgrenii Cardamine africana Cardamine altaica Cardamine anhuiensis Cardamine arakiana Cardamine argentina Cardamine bellidifolia Cardamine breweri Cardamine bulbosa Cardamine calcicola Cardamine caldeirarum Cardamine californica Cardamine calthifolia Cardamine carnosa Cardamine caroides Cardamine castellana Cardamine chelidonia Cardamine chenopodiifolia Cardamine chilensis Cardamine chiriensis Cardamine cordata Cardamine corymbosa Cardamine crassifolia Cardamine depressa Cardamine dichondroides Cardamine x digenea Cardamine digitata Cardamine dissecta Cardamine douglasii Cardamine ecuadorensis Cardamine elegantula Cardamine engleriana Cardamine x enriquei Cardamine forsteri Cardamine fragariifolia Cardamine x fringsii Cardamine glacialis Cardamine glauca Cardamine glechomifolia Cardamine gouldii Cardamine gracilis Cardamine x grafiana Cardamine gunnii Cardamine x helleriana Cardamine heptaphylla Cardamine x incisa Cardamine innovans Cardamine jejuna Cardamine jonselliana Cardamine keysseri Cardamine killiasii Cardamine kruesselii Cardamine lanceolaris Cardamine lihengiana Cardamine lilacina Cardamine lineariloba Cardamine lojanensis Cardamine longii Cardamine longipedicellata Cardamine loxostemonoides Cardamine lyrata Cardamine macrocarpa Cardamine macrophylla Cardamine microthrix Cardamine microzyga Cardamine occulta Cardamine pattersonii Cardamine paucifolia Cardamine paucijuga Cardamine x paxiana Cardamine pectinata Cardamine pedata Cardamine penduliflora Cardamine pensylvanica Cardamine penzesii Cardamine prorepens Cardamine repens Cardamine rhizomata Cardamine rupicola Cardamine tenuifolia Cardamine trichocarpa Cardamine trifoliolata Cardamine tryssa Cardamine variabilis Cardamine victoris Cardamine x zahlbruckneriana Cardamine hupingshanensis Cardamine adriatica Cardamine tepelenensis Cardamine altigena Cardamine x ambigua Cardamine angulata Cardamine angustata Cardamine apennina Cardamine asarifolia Cardamine balnearia Cardamine battagliae Cardamine bilobata Cardamine blaisdellii Cardamine bodinieri Cardamine bonariensis Cardamine bradei Cardamine bulbifera Cardamine circaeoides Cardamine conferta Cardamine constancei Cardamine cordifolia Cardamine debilis Cardamine delavayi Cardamine densiflora Cardamine fargesiana Cardamine fialae Cardamine x fischeriana Cardamine flagellifera Cardamine flexuosa Cardamine franchetiana Cardamine franklinensis Cardamine garaventae Cardamine glanduligera Cardamine grandjotii Cardamine granulifera Cardamine griffithii Cardamine hirsuta Cardamine hispidula Cardamine hydrocotyloides Cardamine hygrophila Cardamine x insueta Cardamine jamesonii Cardamine komarovii Cardamine lazica Cardamine macrostachya Cardamine manshurica Cardamine marginata Cardamine marholdii Cardamine maritima Cardamine maritima Cardamine matthioli Cardamine maxima Cardamine mexicana Cardamine micranthera Cardamine microphylla Cardamine monteluccii Cardamine multiflora Cardamine multijuga Cardamine nepalensis Cardamine niigatensis Cardamine nipponica Cardamine nymanii Cardamine obliqua Cardamine occidentalis Cardamine oligosperma Cardamine ovata Cardamine pachystigma Cardamine papillata Cardamine papuana Cardamine picta Cardamine pulchella Cardamine purpurascens Cardamine purpurea Cardamine quinquefolia Cardamine ramosa Cardamine robusta Cardamine rockii Cardamine rostrata Cardamine rotundifolia Cardamine rupestris Cardamine schinziana Cardamine x schulzii Cardamine seravschanica Cardamine serbica Cardamine silana Cardamine simplex Cardamine speciosa Cardamine stenoloba Cardamine subterranea Cardamine tangutorum Cardamine tenera Cardamine tenuirostris Cardamine thyrsoidea Cardamine tuberosa Cardamine uliginosa Cardamine umbellata Cardamine violacea Cardamine volckmannii Cardamine vulgaris Cardamine x wettsteiniana Cardamine yezoensis Cardamine yunnanensis Cardamine zollingeri Cardamine x keckii Cardamine montenegrina Cardamine nuttallii Cardamine schulzii Cardamine thyrosidea Cardamine glauca Cardamine tenera Cardamine ibaguensis Cardamine clematitis Cardamine hongdeyuana Cardamine x rhodopaea Cardamine pseudotrifoliolata Cardamine kuankuoshuiense Cardamine xinfenii Cardamine guatemalensis Cardamine cebollana Cardamine abchasica Cardamine serbica Cardamine calliphaea Cardamine macrophylla Cardamine carrii Cardamine acris Cardamine alberti Cardamine anemonoides Cardamine appendiculata Cardamine armoracioides Cardamine astoniae Cardamine auriculata Cardamine dubia Cardamine fulcrata Cardamine moirensis Cardamine ocoana Cardamine pacensis Cardamine trifida Cardamine undulata Cardamine valida Cardamine waldsteinii Cardamine flaccida Cardamine bipinnata Cardamine changbaiana Cardamine cheotaiyienii Cardamine lacustris Cardamine geraniifolia Cardamine leucantha Cardamine scaposa Cardamine subcarnosa Cardamine tanakae Cardamine latior Cardamine tianqingiae Cardamine plumieri Cardamine kitaibelii Cardamine trifolia Cardamine graeca Cardamine diphylla Cardamine parviflora Cardamine concatenata Cardamine raphanifolia Cardamine resedifolia Cardamine amara Cardamine enneaphyllos Cardamine pentaphyllos Cardamine impatiens Cardamine pratensis