Plants acaulescent or with more or less extensive, erect or clambering stems, terrestrial or epiphytic. Leaves spiral or distichous, 2-cleft or divided into 3 to many flabellate divisions, rarely entire. Spadix subtended by 2 to several green or white spathes. Staminate and pistillate flowers alternating spirally, the stami-nate in clusters of 4, the pistillate solitary. Staminate flowers with many-toothed, cupulate perianth, caducous or marcescent. Pistillate flowers separate or mutually sunken in the fleshy spadix axis, with 4 equal or subequal, free or basally united, more or less conspicuous perigonial lobes; stigmas 4, sessile or with a short style. Berries produced separately or in concrescent sheets of fleshy tissue.