Trees, monoecious or (andro)dioecious. Lamina chartaceous, more or less scabrous above, ± hairy; stipules fully amplexicaul, connate, with distinct parallel veins. Staminate inflorescences pedunculate, flabellate and bivalvate (these occurring together with pistillate ones), infundibuliform to cyathiform, entire to 2-lobed; stamens solitary or paired along radiating and branching ridges of the receptacle which bears membranaceous, free or connate interstaminal ‘bracts’ (probably representing reduced perianths). Pistillate inflorescences solitary, sessile, discoid to cupuliform or subglobose, many-to several-flowered; ovary free, partly adnate to the perianth, or immersed in the receptacle; stigmas strap-shaped, short.