Castilleja Mutis ex L.F.


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Orobanchaceae


Perennial or annual herb, often becoming shrubby in warm regions, hemi-parasitic. Leaves alternate, sessile, entire or pinnately lobed, cauline. Inflores-cence a short or elongate spike or raceme; bracts often leaflike at the base of the inflorescence, gradually differentiating upward, often more conspicuously colored than the flowers. Flowers conspicuous to inconspicuous, mostly concealed behind the bracts; calyx tubular, equally or unequally cleft into 4 segments, usually partially united into 2 lateral primary lobes or the primary lobes entire by coniplete fusion of the lateral clefts, somewhat accrescent in fruit; corolla greenish or the exserted parts often colored, tubular, elongate and narrow, bilabiate, the upper lip galeate (hooded), beaklike, the lobes united to the tip and enclosing the anthers, the lower lip somewhat 3-saccate with 3 more or less rudimentary teeth or sometimes 3 petaloid lobes nearly equalling the galea in length, external to the upper lip in bud; stamens 4, didynamous, attached near or above the middle of the corolla tube, the 2 anther-sacs unequally placed, the outer longer and attached by its middle, the inner smaller and suspended from its apex; stigma united and capitate, or sometimes slightly 2-lobed. Fruit a loculicidal capsule, more or less asymmetrical, ovate to globose; seeds numerous, the loose testa alveolately reticulate. x = 12.
Cal tubular, membranous, deeply divided into 2 lateral halves; cor-tube slender, elongate, scarcely dilated distally, the upper lip (galea) triangular-acuminate, laterally compressed, the lower lip much shorter than the upper, appressed or deflexed; stamens 4, paired, ascending under the galea, included; one pollen-sac attached at its center, the other suspended from its summit; stigma capitate or shallowly 2-lobed; fr ovoid or oblong, loculicidal; hemiparasitic herbs with alternate, often pinnatifid lvs and large fls in dense terminal spikes, each fl subtended by a large, entire or pinnatifid, sometimes brightly colored bracteal lf. 150+, mostly w. N. Amer.
Herbs, annuals or perennials, rarely shrubs, hemiparasitic. Spikes or racemes terminal; bracts leaflike, often broader than leaves, variously colored, entire or lobed. Calyx tubular, base often gibbous abaxially, 2-or 4-lobed, median clefts usually deeper than lateral. Corolla tube included in calyx; limb conspicuously 2-lipped; lower lip short, patent, 3-lobed; upper lip elongated, rostrate apex entire. Stamens 4, didynamous; anthers enclosed by upper lip. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds numerous, minute; seed coat transparent, foveolate.
Life form
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Castilleja unspecified picture


Castilleja world distribution map, present in China, Panama, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-4000006945
INPN ID 446003
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Euchroma Castilleja

Lower taxons

Castilleja victoriae Castilleja albobarbata Castilleja alpicola Castilleja angustata Castilleja annua Castilleja applegatei Castilleja aquariensis Castilleja arachnoidea Castilleja arctica Castilleja arvensis Castilleja aurea Castilleja auriculata Castilleja austromontana Castilleja brevistyla Castilleja bryantii Castilleja campestris Castilleja caudata Castilleja cerroana Castilleja chrymactis Castilleja chrysantha Castilleja cinerea Castilleja coccinea Castilleja coccinea Castilleja cusickii Castilleja dendridion Castilleja densiflora Castilleja dissitiflora Castilleja exilis Castilleja exserta Castilleja filiflora Castilleja fissifolia Castilleja genevievana Castilleja glandulifera Castilleja gleasoni Castilleja haydenii Castilleja hidalgensis Castilleja hispida Castilleja holmgrenii Castilleja hyparctica Castilleja lanata Castilleja lasiorhyncha Castilleja latifolia Castilleja lineata Castilleja lutescens Castilleja mexicana Castilleja mollis Castilleja moranensis Castilleja nervata Castilleja nitricola Castilleja nivea Castilleja nivibractea Castilleja nubigena Castilleja ornata Castilleja pallescens Castilleja pallida Castilleja papilionacea Castilleja parviflora Castilleja parvula Castilleja patriotica Castilleja peckiana Castilleja praeterita Castilleja profunda Castilleja pseudohyperborea Castilleja pseudopallescens Castilleja puberula Castilleja purpurea Castilleja raupii Castilleja revealii Castilleja rhexifolia Castilleja rhizomata Castilleja rigida Castilleja rubicundula Castilleja rubida Castilleja rubra Castilleja salsuginosa Castilleja saltensis Castilleja schizotricha Castilleja septentrionalis Castilleja sessiliflora Castilleja sphaerostigma Castilleja spiranthoides Castilleja stenophylla Castilleja tenuifolia Castilleja thompsonii Castilleja toluccensis Castilleja trujillensis Castilleja unalaschcensis Castilleja vadosa Castilleja wootonii Castilleja xanthotricha Castilleja zempoaltepetlensis Castilleja ambigua Castilleja angustifolia Castilleja bella Castilleja conzattii Castilleja cervina Castilleja chambersii Castilleja chlorosceptron Castilleja chlorotica Castilleja christii Castilleja covilleana Castilleja cryptantha Castilleja ctenodonta Castilleja elegans Castilleja elmeri Castilleja flava Castilleja foliolosa Castilleja fraterna Castilleja galehintoniae Castilleja gonzaleziae Castilleja gracilis Castilleja grisea Castilleja guadalupensis Castilleja hyetophila Castilleja hyperborea Castilleja indivisa Castilleja integra Castilleja irasuensis Castilleja kaibabensis Castilleja kraliana Castilleja lacera Castilleja lapponica Castilleja lemmonii Castilleja linariifolia Castilleja lineariloba Castilleja linifolia Castilleja occidentalis Castilleja oresbia Castilleja organorum Castilleja pectinata Castilleja peruviana Castilleja pilosa Castilleja plagiotoma Castilleja x porterae Castilleja pterocaulon Castilleja pulchella Castilleja pumila Castilleja purpurascens Castilleja scabrida Castilleja schaffneri Castilleja scorzonerifolia Castilleja suksdorfii Castilleja talamancensis Castilleja tayloriorum Castilleja tenuiflora Castilleja venusta Castilleja virgata Castilleja virgayoides Castilleja viscidula Castilleja wallowensis Castilleja wightii Castilleja gonzalezii Castilleja haydenii Castilleja levisecta Castilleja minor Castilleja nervosa Castilleja nivea Castilleja virgathoides Castilleja tenuis Castilleja attenuata Castilleja rupicola Castilleja collegiorum Castilleja nana Castilleja lentii Castilleja ortegae Castilleja variocolorata Castilleja exigua Castilleja aspera Castilleja pavlovii Castilleja beldingii Castilleja racemosa Castilleja durangensis Castilleja jiquilpana Castilleja pringlei Castilleja ecuadorensis Castilleja falcata Castilleja fruticosa Castilleja hirsuta Castilleja kuschei Castilleja laciniata Castilleja lassenensis Castilleja lebgueana Castilleja leschkeana Castilleja longiflora Castilleja ludoviciana Castilleja macrostigma Castilleja mcvaughii Castilleja meridensis Castilleja palmeri Castilleja perelegans Castilleja porphyrosceptron Castilleja quiexobrensis Castilleja quirosii Castilleja roei Castilleja steyermarkii Castilleja stipifolia Castilleja subalpina Castilleja tapeinoclada Castilleja tenella Castilleja ophiocephala Castilleja affinis Castilleja mendocinensis Castilleja integrifolia Castilleja sulphurea Castilleja subinclusa Castilleja miniata Castilleja pruinosa