Ceiba Mill.


Angiosperms > Malvales > Malvaceae


Trees, infrequently strangler epiphytes, generally tall, deciduous, armed or unarmed, the trunk buttressed or not. Leaves petiolate, compound-digitate; leaflets 5-9, articulate, the blade often denticulate near the apex. Inflorescences grouped toward the tip of the branchlets, axillary, fasciculate, or flowers solitary or geminate. Flotwers hermaphrodite, actinomorphous, sometimes subzygomorphous, with tufted hairs, pedicellate, bracteolate, the bractlets fugacious; receptacle eglandular; calyx campanulate to more or less tubiform, truncate or irregularly lobed, persistent or accrescent; petals 5, adnate to the base of the staminal column, fleshy; stamens 5, the staminal column conical or the lower part cylindric and thickened and the upper part conical, sometimes provided with one whorl of staminodia, the filaments bearing each 1-3 linear to anfractuose anthers; anthers 1-to 2(-4)-thecate, longi-tudinally dehiscent; pollen colporate, the sexine reticulate; ovary superior to sub-inferior, sessile, 5-celled, the cells many-ovulate; style filiform or dilated upward; stigma capitate or 5-lobulate. Capsules coriaceous to ligneous, loculicidally 5-valvate, the central columella winged and persistent; seeds numerous, obovoid or subglobose, imbedded in copious kapok; cotyledons epigeal and expanded above the ground level, opposite, petiolate, folded and foliaceous.
Trees, deciduous; trunk swollen and/or buttressed, trunk and branches usually spiny. Petiole long; leaf blade palmately compound; leaflets 3-5(-9), shortly petiolulate, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially gray-white, base attenuate, margin serrate or entire. Flowers blooming before or simultaneously with leaf flush, solitary or 2-15-fascicled, pendulous, axillary or subterminal, actinomorphic, rarely zygomorphic. Calyx campanulate, truncate or irregularly 3-5(-12)-lobed, thickly fleshy, persistent. Petals 5, pink or yellow-white, connate at base and coherent to staminal tube, falling with stamens and style. Stamens (3-)5-15; filament tube short, sometimes thickened or with sterile appendages, free parts of filament long to absent, each bearing 2(or 3) straight to strongly twisted thecae. Ovary syncarpous, 5-locular; ovules many per cell; style filiform; stigma capitate to lobulate. Capsule oblong or nearly obovate, pendulous, woody or leathery, loculicidally dehiscent into 5(or 6) valves, inner walls densely woolly. Seeds many, enclosed in wool.
Trees, often spiny. Leaves digitately compound, with caducous stipules. Flowers axillary or subterminal, solitary or fasciculate. Calyx cupular, truncate or 3-5-lobed. Petals 5, imbricate, connate at the base to the staminal tube. Stamens (10-)15, in 5 bundles, united near the base into a filament-tube; each phalange of 3 connate filaments bearing 2-3 straight or coiled anther-thecae, each bundle alternipetalous. Ovary 5-locular, each locule with many ovules; stigma club-shaped, pentagonal. Capsule a woody or coriaceous 5-valved capsule. Seeds many, surrounded by the wool of the endocarp; endosperm thin or absent; cotyledons much contorted.
Stamens (10) 15, united in 5 phalanges, each bearing 2–3 coiled anther-thecae and united below in a tube.
Flowers moderately large, axillary or subterminal, solitary in the axils or often fasciculate.
Ovary 5-locular, loculi multiovulate; stigma club-shaped, pentagonal.
Leaves digitately 3–9 (or very rarely more)-foliolate.
Capsule a woody or coriaceous 5-valved capsule.
Seeds many, embedded in a copious wool.
Tall trees, often spiny.
Calyx 5-lobed.
Petals 5.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -