Small, perennial geophyte. Stems 1-3, erect, 60-100 mm high; tuber quite large, discoid. Leaves spreading-erect, clustered, oblanceolate to oblong, 25-100 x 8-25 mm, margins wavy, covered in course hairs; petioles short. Inflorescences 2, opposite, sessile, forming a terminal, globose, 25-flowered cluster. Flowers sometimes appearing before leaves, scent powerful, evil-smelling; pedicels 10-20 mm long. Corolla cage-like, fused at base into shallow tube, ± 5 mm deep, yellowish, crimson-banded; lobes linear, 20-45 mm long, margins replicate, apex connivent, forming a cage over gynostegial column, outside green, inside maroon-crimson, mouth and sinuses purple-hairy. Corona: interstaminal corona lobes fused into cup-like rim, ± 1 mm high, surrounding staminal column, with five ± 0.5 mm deep clefts opposite anthers, leading into the inner pockets; staminal corona lobes linear, ± 1 mm long, basally fused to interstaminal coronal rim, incumbent on anther back but not exceeding the stigma-style apex. Follicles erect, divergent, narrowly fusiform, smooth, ± 40 mm long.
Perennial herb, up to 100 mm tall. Flowers in compact terminal or subterminal, many-flowered heads on short peduncles. Corolla lobes 25-40 mm long. Flowers: tube yellow with crimson-brown bands, mouth purple-pubescent; lobes greenish on back, maroon to crimson-brown inside.