Rootstock producing a tuber. Tuber 30-100 mm broad, 20-70 mm high with central depression in upper surface. Stems perennial, 1-2, up to 12 mm thick, 10-40 mm long with 1-5 annual branches rarely branched above, 60-120 mm tall. Leaves ascending, fleshy, sometimes reduced to bracts on early flowering stems, subsessile, oblong-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, acuminate, rounded to cuneate at base, up to 30 x 12 mm, with undulate or crisped margin, sparsely ciliate, otherwise glabrous. Flowers extra-axillary, 1-6 together, opening together; pedicels 7-15 mm long, slender. Sepals lanceolate, about 2 mm long. Corolla very slightly curved, about 35 mm long; tube 20-23 mm long with basal inflation up to 10 mm long, 3.5-4 mm diam., reduced to uniform 2 mm diam. to mouth, with scattered dark-tipped papillae within inflation and with scattered long white hairs above; lobes linear, about 8 mm long, scarcely broadened at base, curved, usually connate at tips, forming a cage-like structure, occasionally becoming free, glabrous, vinaceous-crimson on tube and with darker shade on lobes. Corona shortly campanulate at base, forming 5 pockets or pouches 0.5 mm deep with very broadly U-shaped outer margin; inner lobes arising from within the outer, linear-spathulate, obtuse, incumbent-erect, with tips incurved. Follicles slender, terete, about 100 mm long, 4 mm diam.
Perennial herb, 60-120 mm tall. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate-oblong, fleshy. Corolla 35 mm long; lobes linear, forming rounded cage. Flowers vinaceous-crimson on tube and darker on lobes.