Perennial herb. Tuber up to 80 or 90 mm long, up to ±80 mm diam. with age, 20-60 mm below ground. Stem single, up to 150 mm high, moderately to fairly freely branched above, puberulous. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, up to 10 mm long and 3 mm broad, tapering into a short petiole, undulate, minutely papillose-pubescent on upper surface and sparsely pubescent below, bluish-green. Flowers abundant on wild specimens, 2 or more at the nodes, produced in succession. Sepals lanceolate, about 2.5 mm long, puberulous, with minute lobules within the sinuses. Corolla 22-24 mm long; tube campanulate, 2-3 mm deep and 4 mm diam., sometimes with a few long, straight hairs within; lobes 10-12 mm long, 2 mm broad at base, becoming subterete above by the recurving of the margins to meet down the back, bright green with 3 mauvish veins near the base of each lobe and e x tending into the tube. Corona broadly campanulate at base, forming 5 pockets with long, white hairs within and with emargine outer margin, confluent laterally with base of inner lobes; inner lobes oblong, incumbent on backs of anthers. Pollinia with translucent inner margin, attached by short caudicles. Follicles ±100 mm long, curved, subfusiform, mottled spreading apart sometimes to nearly 1800.
Perennial geophyte, up to 150 mm high; tuber globose to cylindrical. Stem single, produced annually, stiff and moderately branched, puberulous. Leaves blue-green; blade oblong to narrowly ovate, ± 10 x 3 mm, margins undulate, minutely papillose. Flowers: many; corolla < 5 mm in diameter, bell-shaped and with a short tube, 22-24 mm long; lobes free at tips, bright green with mauve veins near base; Apr. Fruit a follicle. Closely related to B. circinatum, but in this species the lobes are always united at tips.