Perennial herb, with rootstock producing a tuft of fusiform roots. Stems slender, glabrous, sparingly-branched, climbing. Leaves rudimentary, ± lanceolate. Flowers solitary, extra-axillary. Sepals lanceolate, 3-6 mm long. Corolla 40-60 mm long; tube globose-inflated at base, gradually expanded towards mouth, glabrous; lobes 15-25(-30) mm long, spathulate towards apex, 3-7 mm broad, variably connate towards apex, with margins ± recurved, usually with an abundance of long clavate hairs spreading in all directions, kneed and purple-coloured, variably positioned from near middle to near base. Corona shortly connate at base, with 5 deeply or moderately bilobulate lobes; inner lobes incumbent-erect.