Small, perennial geophyte. Stems solitary, decumbent, 50-150 mm high; tuber discoid. Leaves somewhat humifuse, obovate to elliptic, 20-60 x 10-30 mm; petioles 5-7 mm long. Flowers solitary at nodes (after abortion of second one; pedicel 5-8 mm long. Corolla campanulate; tube ± 4-6 mm, enclosing gynostegial column, greenish yellow with subcircular or spotted maroon marks; lobes ± 7 mm long, ovate-triangular, yellowish green with basal spots and 3 maroon-spotted longitudinal lines; upper surface with reddish hairs. Corona: interstaminal corona lobes reduced, basal pockets not produced; staminal corona lobes of trapezoid, erect scales with maroon-black, shortly dentate appendages, tipped with white hairs, lying on top of staminal column (not at back of anthers, basally fused to corolla, forming nectar pockets. Follicles paired, erect, narrowly fusiform, 120 x 7 mm.