Dwarf, perennial geophyte. Stems 1 or 2, spreading-erect, 30-150 mm high; produced from depressed tuber. Leaves linear-lanceolate to elliptic, 30 x 2-6 mm, narrowing into short 1.5-2.5 mm petioles. Flowers 1-4 in umbelliform groups, produced at upper nodes; pedicels up to 5 mm long. Corolla campanulate; fused halfway into a tube 4-7 mm long, outside hairless, tube throat long-hairy inside; lobes spreading, lanceolate, margins revolute, ± 6 mm long, ciliate (long white hairs, pinkish to greyish green or nearly white. Corona: interstaminal corona lobes fused at base into a ± 1.5 mm deep cupulate tube, margins with 5 narrow, v-shaped slits opposite the gynostegial groove and with long hairs on outside below these slits (hairs also in circumgynostegial trough; staminal corona lobes fused to interstaminal at base, extended over and connivent over style head. Flowering time Oct., Dec.