Slender erect to twining succulent perennial arising from cluster of thickened white fusiform roots. Stems 5 cm-1 m long, 2-3 mm thick, erect to twining, fleshy, glabrous, glaucous. Leaves 6-10 mm long, ±2 mm broad, elliptic, acute, flat, fleshy, glabrous except for a few minute ascending marginal hairs, glaucous, rapidly caducous. Inflorescence glabrous, usually one-flowered, peduncle absent, with single deltoid bract up to 1 mm long; pedicel 5-10 mm long, 1-2 mm thick, ascending; sepals ±2.5 mm long, 1 mm broad at base. Corolla 50-60 mm long, 9 mm broad at much inflated base of slender tube and with lobes remaining twisted together above tube (but not fused at tips) or hanging down alongside it; outside maroon mottled on grey tending to nearly black around mouth of tube and plain grey on basal inflation, glabrous; inside white with maroon spots around mouth of tube becoming maroon in lower half of tube and ± beige on lobes, basal inflation maroon with raised longitudinal ridges, with short ± black hairs mainly along margins of lobes and otherwise glabrous; tube ± 40 mm long, with basal inflation ±7 mm long and broad, narrowing above this to 25 mm and then widening to 7-8 mm at mouth; lobes ±23 mm long, with broad basal part ±5 mm long and ±3 mm broad then narrowing to slender tail initially <1 mm broad but widening gradually to about 1 mm. Corona ±4.2 mm tall, 4.6 mm broad, with short basal stipe; outer lobes ±2 mm tall, ascending, deeply notched in centre into two ± deltoid lobules, maroon with many straight white hairs in upper half, below yellow and glabrous; inner lobes ±3 mm long, ±0.3 mm broad, adpressed to backs of anthers then rising together in column over centre of gynostegium, upper half yellow, lower parts maroon. Fruit and seeds unknown.
Glabrous, succulent climber, up to 1 m tall, from swollen roots, stems 2-3 mm diam., glabrous. Leaves fleshy, elliptic, 6-10 x 2 mm. Flower solitary, extra-axillary, pedicel 5-10 mm long. Corolla 50-60 mm long, maroon to black, with grey mottling, tube ± 40 mm long, with ellipsoidal basal swelling, contracted above, then expanding to 7-8 mm diam. at mouth, lobes 20-25 mm long, free at tips and often pendant. Corona yellow and maroon, outer lobes forming. 5 pockets between bases of inner lobes, inner lobes incumbent on backs of anthers then erect, 2 mm tall, dorsiventrally flattened.