Perennial herb. Tuber globose, ±20 mm diam. Stem single, erect, unbranched, up to 50 mm tall, puberulous. Leaves petiolate; narrowly oblong-lanceolate, ±25 x 4 mm, thinly puberulous on lower surface; petiole ±5 mm long. Flowers 1-2, extra-axillary, developed successively; pedicels slender, ±12 mm long, puberulous. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, ±1.5 mm long. Corolla 4-5 mm long, 6-9 mm diam., divided to about halfway; pedicel slender, 10-12 mm long; tube campanulate, about 2 mm deep, whitish within; lobes triangular, slightly acuminate, 2.25 x 2 mm, flat on margin, slightly recurved towards apex, dark maroon. Corona united at base; outer lobes very delicate, forming 5 broad, spreading pockets or chutes in lower half, divided in terminal half into slender, diverging lobules which meet tips of adjacent ones at corolla-sinuses behind inner lobes, with few long white hairs from near their tips; inner lobes incumbent-erect, 1.5 mm long, maroon. Pollinia subglobose, ±0.2 mm long, with translucent wing along inner margin, attached by very short caudicles to delicate carrier with small swollen pseudo-wings.
Perennial herb, up to 50 mm tall. Corolla 5 mm long, spreading, 6-9 mm in diameter. Corona producing outer lobes spreading to corolla tube, deeply bilobuled. Flowers: corolla tube whitish within, lobes dark maroon; corona lobes maroon.