Perennial herb. Tuber 40-60 mm diam., depressed. Stems 1-few, up to about 50 mm tall, sparingly branched, puberulous. Leaves shortly petiolate; blade ovate-elliptic, 15-20 mm long, puberulous on undersurface and margin; petiole ±3 mm long. Flowers 2-several, lateral at nodes; pedicels ±10 mm long, puberulous. Sepals linear-lanceolate, 2-4 mm long. Corolla 18-25 mm long, brown-mottled, with campanulate base; tube 3-4.5 mm deep; lobes ovate-lanceolate with upper part replicate, finely rugose and very finely papillate, with or without long, stiff hairs near sinuses. Corona maroon, arising slightly above base of staminal column, with spreading base, ±5 mm diam., united for ±1 mm, forming 5 deep pockets with outer margin notched or shortly bilobuled in middle, shoulders confluent laterally with inner lobes; inner lobes subquadrate, with apical margins circling stigmatic centre of staminal column, each with a ridge from near base and a swelling about the middle. Pollinia orbicular-oblong, compressed, with translucent inner margin, ±0.4 mm long, attached by short caudicles to carrier; carrier nearly as large as pollinia, with triangular top and dumb-bell-like waist and winged base, the wings hiding the caudicles.