Perennial herb, 70-150 mm high, with tuber depressed from above. Stems 1-few, spreading or erect, branching higher up, coarsely hairy. Leaves with blade linear, narrowly ovate to ovate or elliptic, 5-30 x 3-10 mm. Flowers: corolla > 20 mm in diameter, with inner surface glabrous, tube campanulate, divided to ± 2/3 of its length, white to yellowish within, with purple-brown warty spots, becoming dark purple-brown to nearly black on lobes; Oct.-Jan. Fruit a follicle.
Perennial herb, 70-150 mm tall. Stems and leaves coarsely hairy. Inner surface of corolla glabrous, tube campanulate, divided to ± two-thirds of its length. Flowers: tube white to yellowish within, with purple-brown warty spots becoming dark purple-brown to nearly black on lobes.