Herbaceous, twining or climbing, perennial geophyte. Stems 1-3(-4) m long, thick/semi-succulent, slightly verrucose; produced from clustered, fleshy, cylindrical roots. Leaves fleshy, ovate-lanceolate, base cordate, 20-50 x 12-25 mm; petioles stout, ± 6 mm long. Flowers 2-4 in pedunculate cymes, 4.5-11.0 mm long; peduncles ± 10 mm long. Corolla trumpet-like, 40-70 mm long; tube 38-50 mm long, basal inflation ovoid, off-center, ± 6 mm in diam., curving upwards and expanding into a wide funnel-like mouth 15-25 mm in diam.; lobes basally column-like, then horizontally connivent, connate, and expanded into an umbrella-like canopy 25-50 mm in diam., margins scalloped, tube access via 5 slit-like windows; inflation striped green and white, canopy mottled green and white. Corona: interstaminal corona lobes dorso-ventrally flattened, connate into a cup-shaped structure ± 1 mm tall surrounding gynostegial column; staminal corona lobes fused basally to interstaminal corona, free above, erect, linear-filiform, ± 3 mm tall, connivent in upper part but with apex curved. Follicles spreading horizontally, 75-130(-140) x 7-8(-11) mm, surface rugose and tuberculate.
A evergreen vine. It grows 2 m high and spreads 2 m wide. The stem is slender and twining. The leaves are heart shaped and dull green. They are in pairs. The flowers are green and have darker green marks. They are tube shaped and the lobes expand.
Twining perennial herb. Corolla lobes fused at apex into an umbrella-like canopy either centrally depressed or somewhat conical, often with fringe of hairs from margin. Flowers light green on inflation, striped with green and white above.